

Use PowerShell to manage subscriptions, plans, and offers in Azure Stack Hub

You can use PowerShell to configure and deliver services by using offers, plans, and subscriptions. For instructions on getting set up with PowerShell on Azure Stack Hub, see Install PowerShell Az module for Azure Stack Hub. For information on connecting to Azure Stack Hub using PowerShell, see Connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell.

Before you begin, verify the Azure Stack Hub PowerShell module is loaded. In a PowerShell console, type Import-Module AzureStack.

Create a plan

Quotas are required when creating a plan. You can use an existing quotas or create new quotas. For example, to create a storage, compute and network quota, you can use the New-AzsStorageQuota, New-AzsComputeQuota, and New-AzsNetworkQuota cmdlets:

$serviceQuotas  = @()
$serviceQuotas += (New-AzsStorageQuota -Name "Example storage quota with defaults").Id
$serviceQuotas += (New-AzsComputeQuota -Name "Example compute quota with defaults").Id
$serviceQuotas += (New-AzsNetworkQuota -Name "Example network quota with defaults").Id

To create or update a base or add-on plan, use New-AzsPlan.

$testPlan = New-AzsPlan -Name "testplan" -ResourceGroupName "testrg" -QuotaIds $serviceQuotas -Description "Test plan"

Create an offer

To create an offer, use New-AzsOffer.

New-AzsOffer -Name "testoffer" -ResourceGroupName "testrg" -BasePlanIds @($testPlan.Id)

Once you have an offer, you can add plans to the offer. Use Add-AzsPlanToOffer. The -PlanLinkType parameter distinguishes the plan type.

Add-AzsPlanToOffer -PlanName "addonplan" -PlanLinkType Addon -OfferName "testoffer" -ResourceGroupName "testrg" -MaxAcquisitionCount 18

If you want to change the state of an offer, use the Set-AzsOffer cmdlet.

$offer = Get-AzsAdminManagedOffer -Name "testoffer" -ResourceGroupName "testrg"
$offer.state = "Public"
$offer | Set-AzsOffer -Confirm:$false

Create subscription to an offer

After you create an offer, users need a subscription to that offer before they can use it. There are two ways that users can subscribe to an offer:

  • As a cloud operator, you can create a subscription for a user. Subscriptions you create can be for both public and private offers.
  • As a user, you can subscribe to a public offer.

To create a subscription for a user as a cloud operator, use New-AzsUserSubscription.

New-AzsUserSubscription -Owner "" -DisplayName "User subscription" -OfferId "/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Subscriptions.Admin/offers/testoffer"

To subscribe to a public offer as a user, use New-AzsSubscription. New-AzsSubscription requires connection to the user Azure Resource Manager environment. Use the steps in Connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell but use the user Azure Resource Manager endpoint. For example, Add-AzEnvironment -Name "AzureStackUser" -ArmEndpoint "https://management.local.azurestack.external".

$testOffer = Get-AzsOffer | Where-Object Name -eq "testoffer"
New-AzsSubscription -OfferId $testOffer.Id -DisplayName "My subscription"

Delete quotas, plans, offers, and subscriptions

There are companion PowerShell cmdlets to delete Azure Stack Hub quotas, plans, offers, and subscriptions. The following show examples for each.

Use Remove-AzsUserSubscription to remove a subscription from an offer.

Remove-AzsUserSubscription -TargetSubscriptionId "c90173b1-de7a-4b1d-8600-b8325ca1eab1e"

To remove a plan from an offer, use Remove-AzsPlanFromOffer.

Remove-AzsPlanFromOffer -PlanName "addonplan" -PlanLinkType Addon -OfferName "testoffer" -ResourceGroupName "testrg"
Remove-AzsPlanFromOffer -PlanName "testplan" -PlanLinkType Base -OfferName "testoffer" -ResourceGroupName "testrg"

Use Remove-AzsPlan to remove a plan.

Remove-AzsPlan -Name "testplan" -ResourceGroupName "testrg"

Use Remove-AzsOffer to remove an offer.

Remove-AzsOffer -Name "testoffer" -ResourceGroupName "testrg"

To remove quotas, use Remove-AzsStorageQuota, Remove-AzsComputeQuota, Remove-AzsNetworkQuota .

Remove-AzsStorageQuota -Name "Example storage quota with defaults"
Remove-AzsComputeQuota -Name "Example compute quota with defaults"
Remove-AzsNetworkQuota -Name "Example network quota with defaults"

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