

Enable Azure CLI for Azure Stack Hub users

You can provide the CA root certificate to users of Azure Stack Hub so that they can enable Azure CLI on their development machines. Your users need the certificate to manage resources through CLI.

  • The Azure Stack Hub CA root certificate is required if users are using CLI from a workstation outside the Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK).

  • The virtual machine (VM) aliases endpoint provides an alias, like "UbuntuLTS" or "Win2012Datacenter," that references an image publisher, offer, SKU, and version as a single parameter when deploying VMs.

The following sections describe how to get these values.

Export the Azure Stack Hub CA root certificate

If you're using an integrated system, you don't need to export the CA root certificate. You need to export the CA root certificate on the ASDK.

To export the ASDK root certificate in PEM format, sign in and run the following script:

$label = "AzureStackSelfSignedRootCert"
Write-Host "Getting certificate from the current user trusted store with subject CN=$label"
$root = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\Root | Where-Object Subject -eq "CN=$label" | select -First 1
if (-not $root)
    Write-Error "Certificate with subject CN=$label not found"

Write-Host "Exporting certificate"
Export-Certificate -Type CERT -FilePath root.cer -Cert $root

Write-Host "Converting certificate to PEM format"
certutil -encode root.cer root.pem

Set up the VM aliases endpoint

Azure Stack Hub operators should set up a publicly accessible endpoint that hosts a VM alias file. The VM alias file is a JSON file that provides a common name for an image. You use the name when you deploy a VM as an Azure CLI parameter.

Before you add an entry to an alias file, make sure that you download images from the Azure Marketplace or have published your own custom image. If you publish a custom image, make note of the publisher, offer, SKU, and version info that you specified during publishing. If it's an image from the marketplace, you can view the info by using the Get-AzureVMImage cmdlet.

A sample alias file with many common image aliases is available. You can use that as a starting point. Host this file in a space where your CLI clients can reach it. One way is to host the file in a blob storage account and share the URL with your users:

  1. Download the sample file from GitHub.
  2. Create a storage account in Azure Stack Hub. When that's done, create a blob container. Set the access policy to "public."
  3. Upload the JSON file to the new container. When that's done, you can view the URL of the blob. Select the blob name and then select the URL from the blob properties.

Next steps