

Back up Azure Stack Hub

This article shows you how to do an on-demand backup on Azure Stack Hub. For instructions on configuring the PowerShell environment, see Install PowerShell for Azure Stack Hub. To sign in to Azure Stack Hub, see Using the administrator portal in Azure Stack Hub.

Start Azure Stack Hub backup

Start a new backup without job progress tracking

Use Start-AzSBackup to start a new backup immediately with no job progress tracking.

   Start-AzsBackup -Force

Start Azure Stack Hub backup with job progress tracking

Use Start-AzSBackup to start a new backup with the -AsJob parameter and save it as a variable to track backup job progress.


Your backup job appears as successfully completed in the portal about 10-15 minutes before the job finishes.

The actual status is better observed via the code below.


The initial 1 millisecond delay is introduced because the code is too quick to register the job correctly and it comes back with no PSBeginTime and in turn with no State of the job.

    $BackupJob = Start-AzsBackup -Force -AsJob
    While (!$BackupJob.PSBeginTime) {
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1
    Write-Host "Start time: $($BackupJob.PSBeginTime)"
    While ($BackupJob.State -eq "Running") {
        Write-Host "Job is currently: $($BackupJob.State) - Duration: $((New-TimeSpan -Start ($BackupJob.PSBeginTime) -End (Get-Date)).ToString().Split(".")[0])"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

    If ($BackupJob.State -eq "Completed") {
        Get-AzsBackup | Where-Object {$_.BackupId -eq $BackupJob.Output.BackupId}
        $Duration = $BackupJob.Output.TimeTakenToCreate
        $Pattern = '^P?T?((?<Years>\d+)Y)?((?<Months>\d+)M)?((?<Weeks>\d+)W)?((?<Days>\d+)D)?(T((?<Hours>\d+)H)?((?<Minutes>\d+)M)?((?<Seconds>\d*(\.)?\d*)S)?)$'
        If ($Duration -match $Pattern) {
            If (!$Matches.ContainsKey("Hours")) {
                $Hours = ""
            Else {
                $Hours = ($Matches.Hours).ToString + 'h '
            $Minutes = ($Matches.Minutes)
            $Seconds = [math]::round(($Matches.Seconds))
            $Runtime = '{0}{1:00}m {2:00}s' -f $Hours, $Minutes, $Seconds
        Write-Host "BackupJob: $($BackupJob.Output.BackupId) - Completed with Status: $($BackupJob.Output.Status) - It took: $($Runtime) to run" -ForegroundColor Green
    ElseIf ($BackupJob.State -ne "Completed") {

Confirm backup has completed

Confirm backup has completed using PowerShell

Use the following PowerShell commands to ensure the backup has completed successfully:


The result should look like the following output:

    BackupDataVersion : 1.0.1
    BackupId          : <backup ID>
    RoleStatus        : {NRP, SRP, CRP, KeyVaultInternalControlPlane...}
    Status            : Succeeded
    CreatedDateTime   : 7/6/2018 6:46:24 AM
    TimeTakenToCreate : PT20M32.364138S
    DeploymentID      : <deployment ID>
    StampVersion      : 1.1807.0.41
    OemVersion        : 
    Id                : /subscriptions/<subscription ID>/resourceGroups/System.local/providers/Microsoft.Backup.Admin/backupLocations/local/backups/<backup ID>
    Name              : local/<local name>
    Type              : Microsoft.Backup.Admin/backupLocations/backups
    Location          : local
    Tags              : {}

Confirm backup has completed in the administrator portal

Use the Azure Stack Hub administrator portal to verify that backup has completed successfully by following these steps:

  1. Open the Azure Stack Hub administrator portal.
  2. Select All services, and then under the ADMINISTRATION category select > Infrastructure backup. Choose Configuration in the Infrastructure backup blade.
  3. Find the Name and Date Completed of the backup in Available backups list.
  4. Verify the State is Succeeded.

Next steps

Learn more about the workflow for recovering from a data loss event.