
Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Beta 1 Walkthroughs

Watch out the videos on Visual Studio 2010 at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/teamsystem/dd441784.aspx

Here are some of them,

Ø Dynamic Programming in Visual C# and Visual Basic

Ø Office Programmability in Visual C# and VisualBasic

Ø Test-driven Development with Generate From Usage

Ø F# in Visual Studio 2010

Ø Deploying Multiple Office Solutions in a Single ClickOnce Installer

Ø Copying a Document to the End User Computer after a ClickOnce Installation

Ø How to Target a Specific .NET Framework Version or Profile

Ø How to Write a Parallel.For Loop with Thread-Local Variables

Ø How to Create and Execute a Simple PLINQ Query

Ø Using Task Groups to Improve Performance

Ø Implementing Futures

Ø Debugging a Parallel Application

