Recursos IE 7
Aproveitando a oportunidade, gostaríamos de sugerir uma “corrida de olhos” nos seguintes recursos/documentação sobre o IE 7 que foi disponibilizada recentemente:
- O Internet Explorer 7 Readiness Toolkit contains:
- Pointer to the latest publicly available build of Internet Explorer 7.
- Developer Checklist including new features and changes of interest to application and web developers should be aware of.
- Testing guidance and tips for isolating and identifying a particular compatibility problem.
- Tools for development and testing.
- Links to resources, technical articles and helpful blog posts.
- Various methods for providing feedback to Microsoft.
- Internationalized Domain Name Support in Internet Explorer 7
- Finding Security Compatibility Issues in Internet Explorer 7
- Security and Compatibility in Internet Explorer 7
- Windows Vista: Understanding and Working in Protected Mode Internet Explorer