Wiki Life: How to change the Time Zone in TechNet Wiki?
When you publish or revise an article, TechNet Wiki uses your "Site Settings Time Zone" to record the date and time. Its default setting is configured on UTC+00:00.
To correct your Time Zone
1. Sign in to TechNet Wiki
2. Select your time zone and save settings
There are more useful options to customize in this settings page. For example, you can change your content editor, date format or even your private email address. Ed Price has a great article about changing your email address. You can also navigate to his article: How to Change Your Email in Your MSDN/TechNet Profile Settings
Have a nice time!
Saeid Hasani
- Anonymous
July 20, 2016
Very useful Tips Saeid Hasani - Anonymous
July 20, 2016
Very useful and important tips Saeid Hasani. - Anonymous
July 20, 2016
Great tip. Thank you Saeid. - Anonymous
July 21, 2016
Very useful tip SaeidWell said - Anonymous
July 25, 2016
This is an incredibly useful post. Thanks, Saeid! - Anonymous
August 02, 2016
Hi Saeid, I can not see "Settings" option on technet, even after login. I tested on chrome and IE both.