Wiki life: How to achieve Wiki Ninja Belt Award
Dear All,
Welcome to TechNet Wiki Life:
Few days before Ronen Ariely aka pituach published about new list of Wiki Ninja belt ranking The Ninja Belt Calculator result on 10 September 2016. I am happy to see my name in the list, yes now my Wiki Ninja Ranking is Yellow which means now I’m holding Yellow belt. I'd like to share one secret, during middle school I learned karate (Taekwondo) and I’m not that much good in karate, I finished my karate learning with the Brown belt and couldn’t make Black Belt. Now with TechNet Wiki help I have achieved Yellow belt. Hope soon I will get Black Belt in TechNet Wiki.
Another fact I have to share with you all is I was not aware about what Wiki Ninja belt is and how someone get the Wiki Ninja Belt till I read Ronen's Ariely post The Ninja Belt Calculator result on 10 September 2016.
After Ronen's post I read all the related post of Wiki Ninja belt and planned to post as a blog so that others can know more details about Wiki Ninja Belt.
What is Wiki Ninja Belt?
The TechNet Wiki Ninja Belts are an award initiative for authors of articles on TechNet Wiki. The award will be calculated for author by their weekly Contribution awards, Monthly Guru Winners awards, number of articles selected for Featured Articles, Interview and by authors profile statistics. All these achievements will be used to calculate Wiki Ninja Belt color.
Kinds of Wiki Ninja Belt
The Wiki Ninja belt will start from White and finish at Black 10 Dan. To achieve each belt we need a lot of hard work and dedication. Always love what you have and without expectation work more to get all your belts.
There are Five main Category of Wiki Ninja Belt
- NOVICE WIKI NINJAS (White, Yellow and Orange belt in this category)
- INTERMEDIATE WIKI NINJAS(Green, Blue, Purple and Brown)
- ADVANCED WIKI NINJAS (Black 1st to 3rd Dan)
- SENSEI WIKI NINJAS (Black 4th to 6th Dan )
- MASTER WIKI NINJAS (Black 7th to 10th Dan )
We have 2 more belt categories as INTERNATIONALIZATION WIKI NINJAS and LEGENDARY WIKI NINJAS to know more about Wiki Ninja Belt category and Belt ranking click this Link
My tips to achieve Wiki Ninja Belt
To achieve Wiki Ninja Belt = Hard Work + Dedication + Innovative Ideas + Community Contribution (Publish more good quality articles, help and answer in forums)
Apply the above formula again and again repeatedly until you achieve the black belt. Again the question here is should I stop the above formula after achieving Black belt, the answer for this question is No, Once you reach the top level you know what you are and surely you will continue without stopping the formula.
Note: The above formula is not only to achieve the Black Ninja belt, that formula will lead you for all your career success.
Hope you all like this blog post .If you have any questions kindly leave me a comment.To know more check all these links.
Wiki Ninja Belt Rankings The Ninja Belt Calculator result on 10 September 2016 History and Technology Behind The TechNet Wiki Ninja Belt Calculator Wiki Ninja Belt Status: Who Has What Belt Ranking How To Calculate Your Belt Ranking
See you all soon with another blog post :)
Thank you all
Syed Shanu
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- Anonymous
September 27, 2016
Good one, Syed Shanu- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Gaurav Kumar Arora
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 27, 2016
Usefull info.All the best for all to achieve the black belt..:)- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Karthik Elumalai
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thanks for sharing.. Good Job- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Mukesh
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Nice one SyedShanu !!!! informative article for the rookies!!!- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Great tips,Syed!! Recently have asked a question in the forum regarding Belt status. Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Prashanth
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Good to know about Wiki Ninja Belt. Thank you for sharing Syed- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Santhakumar
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Nice post Syed Shanu :)- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Kamalesh
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Great post Syed Shanu. :) One thing I believe is that if you do hard work with dedication then achievement will automatically knock at your door.- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Sabah Shariq
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
I like this:To achieve Wiki Ninja Belt = Hard Work + Dedication + Innovative Ideas + Community Contribution (Publish more good quality articles, help and answer in forums)Great advice!- Anonymous
September 28, 2016
Thank You Ed Price
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
September 29, 2016
Good job, Syed. Keep up the good work.- Anonymous
September 29, 2016
Thank You Ken
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
June 16, 2018
Awesome Syed, Thank you , You Explained very well ,got what i was looking for.