
Top Contributors Awards! June’2017 Week 2

Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...


As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Ninja Award Most Revisions Award Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 Richard Mueller with 123 revisions.


#2 Nourdine MHOUMADI with 82 revisions.


#3 M.Qassas with 51 revisions.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 RajeeshMenoth with 25 revisions.


#5 Peter Geelen with 20 revisions.


#6 S.Sengupta with 17 revisions.


#7 .paul. _ with 14 revisions.


#8 JunaidJan with 11 revisions.


#9 Ken Cenerelli with 11 revisions.


#10 pituach with 8 revisions.



Ninja Award Most Articles Updated Award Who has updated the most articles


#1 Richard Mueller with 71 articles.


#2 M.Qassas with 43 articles.


#3 RajeeshMenoth with 22 articles.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Nourdine MHOUMADI with 19 articles.


#5 Peter Geelen with 11 articles.


#6 Ken Cenerelli with 6 articles.


#7 Carsten Siemens with 3 articles.


#8 S.Sengupta with 3 articles.


#9 .paul. _ with 2 articles.


#10 pituach with 2 articles.



Ninja Award Most Updated Article Award Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was C# language best practices, by HR.Rony

This week's revisers were Peter Geelen, HR.Rony & Nourdine MHOUMADI


Ninja Award Longest Article Award Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is Master Data Services Capacity Guidelines 2016, by Smartysanthosh

This week's revisers were Richard Mueller, Nourdine MHOUMADI, Burak Ugur & Smartysanthosh


Ninja Award Most Revised Article Award Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is Universal Windows application: Play a YouTube video, by Nourdine MHOUMADI. It was revised 28 times last week.

This week's revisers were pituach, Nourdine MHOUMADI, M.Qassas & Peter Geelen


Ninja Award Most Popular Article Award Collaboration is the name of the game!


The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Competitions - June 2017, by Peter Geelen

This week's revisers were RajeeshMenoth, .paul. _, Mohsin_A_Khan, Nourdine MHOUMADI & Richard Mueller


The article to be updated by the most people this week is Xamarin Troubleshooting: offline sync issues against Azure App Service using WireShark, by ahmed.rabie

This week's revisers were M.Qassas, Nourdine MHOUMADI, ahmed.rabie, Burak Ugur, Peter Geelen & Richard Mueller


Ninja Award Ninja Edit Award A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person


Ninja Award Winner Summary Let's celebrate our winners!


Below are a few statistics on this week's award winners.

Most Revisions Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Richard Mueller has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Richard Mueller has won 183 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Richard Mueller has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Richard Mueller's profile page

Most Articles Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller is mentioned above.

Most Updated Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the changes.


This is the first Top Contributors award for HR.Rony on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations HR.Rony!

HR.Rony has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

HR.Rony's profile page

Longest Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that is so long!


This is the first Top Contributors award for Smartysanthosh on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations Smartysanthosh!

Smartysanthosh has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Smartysanthosh's profile page

Most Revised Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has ben changed the most


Nourdine MHOUMADI has won 3 previous Top Contributor Awards:

Nourdine MHOUMADI has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Nourdine MHOUMADI's profile page

Most Popular Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the most attention.

Peter Geelen

Peter Geelen has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Peter Geelen has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Peter Geelen has won 182 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Peter Geelen has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Peter Geelen's profile page



This is the first Top Contributors award for ahmed.rabie on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations ahmed.rabie!

ahmed.rabie has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

ahmed.rabie's profile page

Ninja Edit Award Winner
The author is the reviser, for it is their hand that is quickest!


Nourdine MHOUMADI is mentioned above.


Another great week from all in our community! Thank you all for so much great literature for us to read this week!
Please keep reading and contributing!


Best regards,
— Ninja [Kamlesh Kumar]



  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2017
    Congrats to all ! Appreciated each & every one hard work , Thanks @Kamlesh :)
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2017
    Congrats to all my dear friends