TNWIKI International Update – some words from Italy and Brazil
Hello community, Yuri Diogenes here and on this International Update we have some words from Italy and Brazil. Without further delay let’s move on to our first guest on this great Friday!
**Italian Update: Why I love TechNet Wiki**by Luigi Bruno
I’ve started writing Italian translations of TechNet Wiki articles (some are mine and some are not) a few weeks ago.
Everything began on November the 7th, when Ed Price wrote me a message about a comment I made about the article “Wiki: Non-English Language Title Guidelines” and introduced me to Bruno Lewin (who also wrote a comment in response to mine on that page): he suggested me to create a stub page that could be a reference guide for anyone who wants to contribute to the TechNet Wiki adding new pages and/or translating existing pages in his/her own mother tongue.
After collecting and organizing information regarding the TechNet Wiki internationalization (starting from Monica Rush’s page “About: Wiki Localization”, then moving to the “Wiki: Non-English Language Title Guidelines” by tonysoper_MSFT, and finally to the “Microsoft Translator Widget and Wiki” page by Bruno Lewin), I wrote and published the new page, “Wiki: Non-English Language Content Guidelines”; at the beginning, it was a stub page, but actually it looks like a sort of “official reference guide”, still subject to improvements (I have to say that I do not often use translators, except for translating some words that sound “mysterious” or completely unknown to me). The page was also featured in a WikiNinjas Blog’s post by Bruno Lewin titled “Friday International Update – More options”, published on November 18th.
After that I’ve decided to start translating in Italian (my mother tongue) every new page that I’ve added to the TechNet Wiki, and I’ve also started translating the important page, “Wiki: Development Portal”, as you can see at (that’s still a work in progress, as you can see); of course, there are also the stub pages I’ve contributed to: one step at a time, we want to do a good job. ;-)
Every time I translate a page or add a new page in the Italian language, I add “(it-IT)” to the title and “it-IT” to the tags list (whenever possible, I also add the Italian translations of the tags in the tags list); then I add the “Other Languages” section (or edit it, if there’s one) at the end of the article(s) I’ve translated, and I repeat the same action for the new page so that it will be linked to the other available translations.
It could happen that I forget to translate some pages, but I often check the list of pages I’ve written or contributed to and try to “fix this issue”.
P.S.: it could sound funny, but actually I make more mistakes writing in Italian than in English! J
International Highlights and Brazilian Support by Luiz Henrique
Let's highlight some new members who have been collaborating with the international community:
1 . M. Abdelhamid - contributing directly from Egypt. Abdelhamid also hopes to see many articles in Arabic.
2 . Cakriwut - straight from Singapore , congratulations on the articles on SharePoint 2010 (id-ID).
3 . Maurício Júnior - creating great articles about development in Brazil, Mauricio congratulations on your articles;, please help because many of the articles need further development.
Last but not least, I would like to mention the great support that our friend Fernando Lugão has given to us by cleaning up SPAM on TechNet Wiki (finding spam articles, renaming the title and body, tagging them as “spam” and “Candidate for deletion”, and then reporting repeat spammers, Fernando congratulated for his attention and dedication to the portal, and I see that he is always aware of what is happening.
TNWIKI PT-BR V2 by Yuri Diogenes
Last month I started a new challenge for the Brazilian community, and I’m calling this TNWIKI PT-BR V2 as I wrote it here in my blog (in Portuguese). As the Brazilian community reached the 1000 articles goal before 2011 calendar year (they actually beat this number almost a month ago), it was time to start a new phase on TNWIKI PT-BR. This new phase is based on the following areas:
All areas are important and all areas have “quality” as the main foundation. The Brazilian community is already aware of this new phase and they are committed to make it happen.
I would like also to say thanks to Daniel Donda for his WikiNinjas-BR XMas version:
Great Job Daniel and y’all have a great holiday season !
December 09, 2011
Love the Ninja graphic!Anonymous
December 09, 2011
Another featuring! WOW! Thanks Yuri! ;-)Anonymous
December 11, 2011
It's a Christmas Ninja!!! Thanks for the image, Daniel!Anonymous
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