
TNWiki Article Spotlight – Creating and Deploying BizTalk HTTP Receive Locations using BTDF framework

Welcome to another Tuesday TNWiki Article Spotlight.

Today, in this blog post, we are going to discuss Creating and Deploying BizTalk HTTP Receive Locations using BTDF framework by Mandar Dharmadhikari.

This article explains in detail how to use "BTDF framework to create and deploy BizTalk HTTP receive locations".

What is BTDF, check below a short description about that.

BTDF is an open source deployment framework used for deploying BizTalk applications on local dev boxes as well as different environments. It provides many facilities that can be used to club together the task that require to be performed pre and post deployment of the BizTalk deployment e.g restarting of the concerned Host Instances, IIS reset etc. Another advantage of BTDF is that it is very flexible and can be configured to do a lot of tasks before, during and after the deployment of BizTalk application. All these tasks can be packaged up as a single msi file and can be installed on the target environment. It also provides facility to define the variables related to different environments in a spreadsheet which simplifies the task of manually maintaining the binding files for the BizTalk application for Multiple environment. These are some of the features of BTDF. BTDF has proven to be a very reliable tool for creating build msi for BizTalk. It is a necessary weapon in the arsenal of a professional working on BizTalk platform.

Mandar has explained the problem statement in his article below:

When a BizTalk application need to implement the HTTP adapter to receive messages to BizTalk, there are different steps that the developer/administrator needs to take care for the adapter to function properly.

  • Setting up the handling Mapping for the BizTalk HTTP receive location
  • Creating an IIS application and binding it to correct app pool
  • Creating receive port and receive locations
  • Configure the receive location to accept the messages

The process is long and missing a step can result into the rework. If New receive locations are to be configured to work with the HTTP protocol, the developer/administrator needs to go through the same procedure mentioned above.

There are other solutions to solve above problem statement, and Mandar already added those references but this is a different solution that he explained. I believe this article will be a great feast for all who is working on BizTalk deployment with BTDF and HTTP receive locations.

I really appreciate the efforts and time spent to write this article, hope you all enjoy reading his article.

See you all soon in another blog post. Please keep reading and contributing!

Best regards,
— Ninja [Kamlesh Kumar]


  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2017
    Thanks for sharing Kamlesh :-)