
TechNet Guru Awards November 2016!

All the votes are in!  


And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, November 2016 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.

Starting this month you will notice some articles are marked as failing to meet our minimum bar for quality or content.

Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.

Gold Award Winner  BizTalk Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Eldert Grootenboer BizTalk Server: Using index parameter in Inline XSLT Call Template Sandro Pereira: "Great work and great article… this for a man that wrote a 400 pages about mapping… and there is still a lot more that can be written. Congrats!"Abhishek Kumar: "Great work Eldert Grootenboer .Inline xslt within scripting funtiod ease the process of complex mapping .Thanks for sharing ."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Rachit Sikroria BizTalk Server - Dynamics CRM Online / On Premise CRM Paging Cookie Abhishek Kumar: "Thanks for the contribution Rachit very nice article and explanation is great too . I like the way you layout the content ."Sandro Pereira: "The article layout should be changed: indentation, fonts and presentation, in a few words a layout disaster. Regarding to the content itself good work, nice sample."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Kjetil Tonstad BizTalk Server: Download Prerequisite CAB-files Abhishek Kumar: "Another awesome automation script for BizTalk 2016 which gone GA now . Thanks Kjetil for the valuable contribution on TechNetWiki"Sandro Pereira: "Once again great work Kjetil! I found this article and PowerShell very useful and I will personally use it."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


Gold Award Winner  Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Wim Beck FIM2010 Troubleshooting: Stopped extension dll load Lasse Wedø: "Just a statement on how it was fixed, based on a clear msg in the error logs. Would like posts like this to have more in depth on the "why's""Peter Geelen: "Small, but very practical quick fix solution for FIM/MIM with sufficient details to make it easily searchable and discoverable"AM: "A nice, clear troubleshooting wiki. It is helpful to consolidate information on TechNet (with credit) as many customers check TechNet first for solutions - thanks for contributing"Dishan Francis: "This is a unique issue and appreciated the effort"
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Jeff Ingalls MIM 2016: Inside the SP1 Update Lasse Wedø: "Would expect more under a title like this"Peter Geelen: "Interesting nugget of information, but I would plug in some more references to the SP1 release version (both initial and update version) (meanwhile fixed, AFAICS)"Dishan Francis: "this remind peoples to take necessary actions before upgrade. Good Stuff!"


Gold Award Winner  Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Steef-Jan Wiggers Working with API Management REST API using .NET Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Detailed and well-explained write-up, nicely explained using simple code"Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Good explanation, but did you consider using Azure Portal? :-)"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent and Well written."DEVA: "Nice"Lasse Wedø: "Good examples"Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice explanatory of API Management Explorer tool contributed in MSDN code gallery."Jan Hentschel: "Nice overview about working with API Management via REST. Love the inclusion of Postman."Eric Berg: "Thank you for this article. Good work."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Bhushan Gawale Getting Started with Azure Functions Lasse Wedø: "Solid overview"Jan Hentschel: "Nice overview about Azure Functions and its concept with a short demo."Eric Berg: "Thank you very much for your contribution. This article is very well written and good to read."Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Highly valuable article."DEVA: "Nice"Kia Zhi Tang: "Good References of Azure Functions. It will be great to include your Azure Functions: Getting Started wiki article in the See Also section."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nice write-up to start with Azure Functions."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Chervine Xamarin + Azure: Part 1 – The Basics Kia Zhi Tang: "Good Xamarin + Azure wiki with easy to follow walkthrough to get started. It will be great to add a See Also section to link up with your part 2 and part 3 wiki articles."Jan Hentschel: "First part about how to bring Xamarin and Azure together. Good explanations."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Nice starting guide. But consider aligning images to the left -- same as text alignment."Lasse Wedø: "Very good walk through of the basics, based on a presentation"Eric Berg: "Thank you for your contribution. Good work so far. Would be great if you could describe the steps a bit further and if you could describe requirements. Please link the other parts"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Very interesting and a valuable article series."DEVA: "Nice"Gaurav Kumar Arora: "A great series on Xamarin with Azure by Chervine starting from Basics. Thanks for sharing such a great resource"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • Azure Web Apps Scaling by Chilberto
    Eric Berg: "Great work. Thank you very much. Good article"
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Topic. Nicely explained."
    DEVA: "Nice"
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Scaling is a great topic for all. Its nicely explained in respect to prices and steps to start with. I would prefer to see one code example for scaling. Nice start Chilberto"
    Lasse Wedø: "Givng a basic overviw of options"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice topic about Azure webapp scaling with good screenshots walkthrough. It will be good to have a See Also section of other Azure scalability wiki articles."
    Jan Hentschel: "Good example about the various options on scaling Web Apps."
  • Xamarin + Azure: Part 2 – Extend the Sample App by Chervine
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "A great series on Xamarin with Azure by Chervine starting from Basics. Thanks for sharing such a great resource"
    Jan Hentschel: "Second part about how to bring Xamarin and Azure together. Good amount of example code."
    Eric Berg: "Thank you. Please link the other parts"
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Very interesting and a valuable article series."
    DEVA: "Nice"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "It will be great to have some reference links from MSDN. And link up your part 1 and 3 in See Also."
  • Xamarin + Azure: Part 3 – Offline Sync by Chervine
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "A great series on Xamarin with Azure by Chervine starting from Basics. Thanks for sharing such a great resource"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Same comment with Reference and See Also section."
    Jan Hentschel: "Third part about how to bring Xamarin and Azure together. Shows the offline synchronization feature."
    Eric Berg: "Thank you. Please link the other parts."
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Very interesting and a valuable article series."
    DEVA: "Nice"


Gold Award Winner  Miscellaneous Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Vincent Maverick Durano .NET Core On Mac - Building An ASP.NET Core App With Web API, EF, PostgreSQL And Running It On Docker Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Same as always, great effort Vinz!"Ed Price: "Great job breaking down the code and images and explaining each step!"DEVA: "Great"
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Peter Geelen Forums: How to get the maximum return on your forum question? Lasse Wedø: "A post that should be on top of every forum"Richard Mueller: "An important topic with lots of great ideas."DEVA: "Nice"Ed Price: "A very common scenario! Great details and depth! Go forums go!"Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A great question is answered in your post, nice work Peter."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Emiliano Musso Introduction to EntityFramework Reverse POCO Generator for Visual Studio Ed Price: "Fantastic depth! Love the Downloads section. And we even get an Italian version too!"DEVA: "Nice one.."Lasse Wedø: "Nice introduction to a known tool"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • Change your primary logon of your MSDN/TechNet profile by Peter Geelen
    Richard Mueller: "Great to have these detailed steps. Great images and explanation. But is this still a "Work in Progress"?"
    DEVA: "Good one Peter"
    Lasse Wedø: "Helpful hint"
    Ed Price: "A very common scenario. Lots of images. Maybe break up the images with steps?"
  • ASP.NET Core With Visual Studio 2017 RC by Sandeep Shekhawat
    Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "First one on this topic I guess, and put forward in a great manner, Sandeep."
    Ed Price: "Great job breaking up the code and including downloads!"
    DEVA: "Great"
    Richard Mueller: "Great use of Wiki guidelines. Good images and code examples."
    Lasse Wedø: "I'd like to see more about news and features, rather than images of the setup"
  • Working With IgniteUI Chart igDataChart Control by Sibeesh Venu
    Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Nice post with good explanations, but font size was a bit huge Sibeesh. ;-)"
    Ed Price: "Great MVC solution!"
    Lasse Wedø: "A lot of code, but could have more explenations"
  • Troubleshooting Exchange 2016 Deployment by RJ Butt
    DEVA: "Great"
    Lasse Wedø: "A tip on where to look for stale records"
    Ed Price: "Short and sweet. It could benefit from a See Also section that lists off related Wiki articles."
  • Backup Office 365 Mailboxes using Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 by Dileepa Kariyawasam
    Lasse Wedø: "Straight forward setup with a third party product"
    Richard Mueller: "Great documentation of the steps with good images."
    Ed Price: "Good breakdown of the steps for the images, and great to have the References section! You were missing content in the See Also. Great article!"


Gold Award Winner  SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Hezequias Vasconcelos Sharepoint 2016 - Install Reporting Services in Farm John Naguib: "Nice Reference thanks a lot"TN: "Good step-by-step article ."Tiago Costa: "Excellent article, with a lot of detail on it. Good guide for starters to install and configure SSRS with SharePoint 2016."Ashutosh Singh: "Nice article and quite helpfull content"Malin De Silva: "Excellent article. Weill written with content in detail. Awesome work. The article goes beyond what it is in the title, so splitting the article to two could have been an option too."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Nico Martens SharePoint 2013/2016 - Fixing apps after configuring SharePoint hybrid features Malin De Silva: "Good and a needy article."John Naguib: "Good work, thanks for sharing"
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Waqas Sarwar SharePoint 2016 Help Collection( Real world scenario) John Naguib: "New content, thanks a lot"Tiago Costa: "Good Information."Malin De Silva: "Good article with good details."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


Gold Award Winner  SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Kia Zhi Tang (Ryen Tang) SQL Server: Getting Started with MS SQL Server on Ubuntu Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "You were fast, Kia. This is a great reference post that anyone can use for beginning to use SQL Server on Ubuntu."Tomaž Kaštrun: "Nice tutorial."RB: "Great walkthrough !!"Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Great topic! A new feature, which deserves a new great article. The article gives a full step by step tutorial, which is well explained."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Vincent Maverick Durano Protect Your Data: Prevent SQL Injection Diederik Krols: "A nice read on a great topic. Thanks!"Tomaž Kaštrun: "Expected a bit more tips on avoiding SQL Injection."RB: "SQL injections never get out of fashion. Thanks for reminding us in a simple and entertaining way"Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "The article's topic is very important, and the article is well explained. Seems to me that this topic better fits to a different category, since it related to the client (application) side."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "It seems you are also learning. :D Nice, and fully explained the topic."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Prashanth Jayaram PowerShell and SQL : Monitoring Disk Space - XML and ADO.NET Class Libraries RB: "Interesting article, nice addition with metadata for servers. Maybe adding some threshold values could be nice too."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "The are article is well written."Tomaž Kaštrun: "PS + XML +T-SQL. Another nice way, but might be a bit confusing for some users."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


Gold Award Winner  System Center Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Nick Hogarth SCCM CB 1610 -Cloud Management Gateway Joseph Moody: "Good write up and nice screenshots!"Ed Price: "Great details. Good use of images. It could benefit from a See Also section at the end with links to other TechNet Wiki articles. And that's a lot of blue text! =^)"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good scenario. Better if more information were given."


Gold Award Winner  Transact-SQL Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) Transact-SQL: Convert VARBINARY to Base64 String and vice versa Visakh16: "Nice informative article. Good use of code snippets. There are some minor typos which needs tweaking."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "It seems we have a winner already. :D"Diederik Krols: "Very useful code. Thanks for the JSON examples!"Tomaž Kaštrun: "Very nice and quick how-to. And a nice explanation on where/how to use it!"Richard Mueller: "Good to know how to accomplish this conversion. Lots of useful examples."


Gold Award Winner  Universal Windows Apps Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  SYED SHANU Universal Windows app Character Matching Game Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Nice, one thing I wanted to see was that different blocks should remain open for 3 seconds instead of the notification alert. That would have been a great UI already Shanu. But nonetheless, good one."Diederik Krols: "Thanks for your contribution!"


Gold Award Winner  Visual C# Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Vincent Maverick Durano Building a Real-Time Online Poll System with SignalR 2, jQuery, EF Core, MVC Core and Web API 2 Gaurav Kumar Arora: "One more great write-up from Vincent with source code. Well explained one."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Good one, but what about results? Is that your second version of it, I'd say so. :)"Emiliano Musso: "Great article, complete with every bit of information. Really informative, thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!"Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Excellent article! Very easy to follow and implement. The article's HTML code behind the scene needs a bit cleaning."Khanna Gaurav: "Great. ASP.NET Core and SignalR both in single article"Diederik Krols: "Thank you for this contribution."Carmelo La Monica: "I dont' know AspNet, Mvc and in general Web development, but all articles in C# category are a good point fo to learn Web development. Congratulation."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  SYED SHANU ASP.NET Core, WEB API and Repository Class Sibeesh Venu : "Very nice article as usual. Keep it up Syed."Carmelo La Monica: "Congrats. Very interesting article, and good point for to crate WebApi, good explaining in all parts."Ovais: "Not a good article there are some issues like I cannot see the IStudentRepository injecting in API controller through Constructor DI. Secondly, repository pattern is not explained."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Very nice article. interesting topic. Well done!"Diederik Krols: "Very informative."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nicely written up resource by Shanu as always. Grammar need to work-out. Good one."Khanna Gaurav: "Nice one."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Hansamali Create a Web API application in ASP.NETCore Carmelo La Monica: "Congratulation. Very good topic , good images and aricle detailed in all parts."Diederik Krols: "Great content, thanks!"Khanna Gaurav: "Great article for anyone wanting to create application for Windows & Linux"Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Impressive article, it well written, it well formatted from the Introduction to the References and download link, simply fun to read"Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nicely written and well explained using step-by-step. Thanks Hansamali for sharing such a nice resource."Ovais: "Nice article with complete details. There are few typos and grammatical mistakes but overall it is good."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • Repository Pattern In ASP.NET Core by Sandeep Shekhawat
    Diederik Krols: "Well written, thanks."
    Khanna Gaurav: "Very informative"
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nice write-up, good showcase of code-snippet."
    Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Very nice article. interesting topic. It is well formatted. Well done!"
    Ovais: "Good article but making? database calls on every CRUD operation. Could be optimized by introducing UnitOfWork pattern."
    Carmelo La Monica: "Good article, very good for to learn how to use ASP.NET Core. Congrats."
  • ASP.NET Core - How to configure Angular2 with TypeScript by João Sousa
    Carmelo La Monica: "Another good topic with Asp.Net Core and now with Angular2. Very detailed code and good images."
    Diederik Krols: "Thank you for this contribution."
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good to start."


Gold Award Winner  Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Peter Geelen Wiki Template: Alternate TOC with scrollable tables Richard Mueller: "An interesting alternative for a Table of Contents. This template will help authors incorporate this in articles."Ed Price: "Hello! I originally built out this idea with the technology portals. You crafted a masterful template! On behalf of the community... Thank you kind sir!!!"


Gold Award Winner  Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Prashanth Jayaram PowerShell : Monitoring and Notification - Disk Space Alerts Ed Price: "Woooooowww. This article has everything! You've got depth, code, great formatting, images, scrolling code even! And the References and See Also are packed. Plus Return to Top links? Wow!"Chen V: "Good work in content formatting and see also is a very good share!"Peter Geelen: "Nice, well structured, lots of extra information on the scripts and a download provided to start using it right away."Alan Carlos: "Excellent article. Well structured and very useful. Congratulations."


Gold Award Winner  Windows Server Technical Guru - November 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Kia Zhi Tang (Ryen Tang) Nano Server: Getting Started with Image Builder JM: "This is an excellent article on Image Builder, thanks for your contribution."Joseph Moody: "Very precise and informative! Hope to read more from you!"Eric Berg: "Thank you for your contribution. Please make sure that you describe the steps and Settings a bit futher."Richard Mueller: "Good use of Wiki guidelines. A great "See Also" section. Even "Return to Top" links and horizontal rules between sections."Mark Parris: "A very comprehensive insight to getting started."Philippe Levesque: "Really good article"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Superbly written. Excellent article."

A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to November's competition.

Hopefully we will see you ALL again in December 2016's listings?


If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above, here's your chance! :D

Best regards,
Pete Laker (Azure MVP)


More about the TechNet Guru Awards:

Forum posts:


  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2016
    Great Congrats all the Winners ,Seems like lots of great article in November month and Still the gate is open for December ,so its not late to mark our entry for December month :)
  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2016
    Congrats to the winners, finally i am back on the victory stand.
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Congratulations to all winners
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Congrats all the winners :)
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Thanks for all the great work by the judges.
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Thank you all. Congratulations to all the winners of the award.
    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2016
      Hezequias, congrats on your gold in SharePoint!
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Congratulations to all winners ! Thanks judges for motivating comments !
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Congratulations to all winners and all contributors!!! Thanks judges for your valuable suggestion and comments.
    • Anonymous
      December 19, 2016
      Congrats on your two medals, Prashanth!
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Congrats to Syed, Ryen Tang, and Peter Geelen for winning two medals!
  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2016
    Thank you for the time to all judges and contributors. Congratulation to all winners.
  • Anonymous
    December 23, 2016
    UPDATE: I added in the missing category Guru images.
  • Anonymous
    December 26, 2016
    Congrats to all the winners:) i am missed this month in row!