
Sunday Surprise – No CodeIgniter Template on Azure? TechNet Wiki would help you out

Welcome everyone to our Sunday's surprise blog post. Today we are talking about open source specifically about a framework of Php called CodeIgniter. Last week I had a scenario where I need to deploy a CodeIgniter web app, being an Azure MVP I choose Microsoft Azure for spinning up the web app. I navigated to the console and typed in CodeIgniter. But results I can to learn about were not very much amazing.


I wasn't able to find out any of the template that could help me out with spinning an Azure web app on which CodeIgniter is deployed with MYSQL. I took it as an opportunity, navigated to GitHub cloned CodeIgniter's original repository and added few files to it to make it ready for deployment on Azure. We'll talk in another blog about how I did that but right now, good news it that I pushed that code with CodeIgniter's code to a repository where you can click on

"Deploy To Azure"

and BOOM! your CodeIgniter website would be deployed to Azure Web App with In App MYSQL which is currently in preview and is not recommended for sites in production but good enough for POC and testing purpose.

I managed to write an article on TechNet Wiki that would help you as deployment guide and take you through all necessary steps to deploy CodeIgniter Web App.

Single Click deployment of CodeIgniter with MYSQL on Azure

and here is the link to repository,



Our TechNet Wiki Ninja Team loves to craft solutions for you, with it we encourage you to write article on TechNet wiki if you have a potential solution. If that's worth it, we'll do our best to feature it in our future blog posts. That's all for this Suday's surprise, see you next time and stay tuned.


Wiki Ninja – Saad Mahmood

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  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2017
    This is awesome! I love that the Wiki is being used to write about open-source projects like this!