
October 2016 TechNet Guru Awards!

All the votes are in! (just in time!)


Below are FINALLY the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, October 2016 !!!!

A great number of judges were involved in the MVP Summit, as presenters and attendees.

But we are back on track, and just before the close of the NEXT month's awesome articles!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.

Starting this month you will notice some articles are marked as failing to meet our minimum bar for quality or content.

Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.


 BizTalk Technical Guru - October 2016 
Silver Award Winner  Mandar Dharmadhikari Logging In BizTalk Apps using Event Logs: Good Practices Rob Corradini: "Nice Job...but I would rename to Best Practices. This follows the standard wording in our industry. "Sandro Pereira: "Regarding to the layout it was necessary to make some improvements, you should be more careful, nevertheless excellent article. I don’t complain people logging information in the event viewer since it is not in the Application log."Abhishek Kumar: "Good Article again Mandar, just a precaution we do not write client confidential details within Event log "
Bronze Award Winner  Johns-305 BizTalk: Output String Content Abhishek Kumar: "Very nicely explained John . Nice use case with proper imaging . "Sandro Pereira: "Regarding to the layout it was necessary to make some improvements, you should be more careful. Indeed, simple operation that sometimes are misunderstood. Nice work."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Jeff Ingalls FIM 2010 / MIM 2016: Localizing SSPR Registration Questions Lasse Wed: "All in all a straight walkthrough"Dishan Francis: "Well detailed. well focused. "
Silver Award Winner  Wim Beck MIM 2016: RCDC Management with PowerShell Lasse Wed: "A repost of existing personal post"Dishan Francis: "Its good start to save time consuming task. good approach. "
Bronze Award Winner  Peter Geelen MIM 2016 Troubleshooting: FIM MA Full import error 0x80070002 Dishan Francis: "Nice Article"Lasse Wed: "Thanks Peter!"


 Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Bhushan Gawale SQL Azure Database: Understanding Transactional Replication Step by Step Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "This is a great article on Azure, this month. "Eric Berg: "Great work. Very good description!"Maor Bracha: "Well done! Complicated technology put to simple words in this easy-read article."Jan Hentschel: "Nice deep dive into transactional replication with good explanations and a lot of pictures. Nice one!"Sibeesh Venu : "That was a great read. Nicely explained."Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent article!! Very well written and presented."Nicolas Bonnet: ""Gaurav Kumar Arora: "A well explained step-by-step article, nice use of images."Anton Staykov: "This is why I love the Azure Gurus! There is always something new to learn. Excellent article about an option I didn't think is possible."Lasse Wed: "Could have more explanation on individual steps, if objective is to inform"
Silver Award Winner  Marcin Policht Implementing restricted access to Azure File Storage via Azure PowerShell and .NET Anton Staykov: "Excellent article on a missing feature."Robert Smit: ""Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good one, nicely explain with example. "Eric Berg: "Nice one. "Lasse Wed: "Informational"Maor Bracha: ""Jan Hentschel: "Good explanation of SAS. Some more details about the example would be great."
Bronze Award Winner  Steef-Jan Wiggers Creating a basic integration with Logic Apps Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent Article based on a good scenario! Very well written and presented."Lasse Wed: "By far the best post this month"Sibeesh Venu : "Nice article. "Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Contents of this article are really came out well. Integrating using scenario is extra-ordinary. Thanks Steef for sharing such a nice article."Maor Bracha: "A great step by step with thorough intro and explanations leaving no question marks."Eric Berg: "Great Job. Very good description."Jan Hentschel: "Nice one by Steef-Jan. Love the walkthrough."Anton Staykov: "An excellent example for great article!"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • How to Configure Application Insights on Azure Portal by Jo?o Sousa
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good step-by-step walk through."
    Lasse Wed: "Seems incomplete"
    Eric Berg: "The Information provided is not very useful IMHO"
    Jan Hentschel: "Good one. Some more explanations of the configuration would be great."
  • Logic Apps with Azure Cognitive Service by Abhishek Kumar
    Lasse Wed: "Could be more informative"
    Jan Hentschel: "Describes the integration between Logic Apps and Azure Cognitive Services in a nice short way with a good example. Like it!"
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nicely explain, good use of images. "
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Very informative article. Excellent!"
  • How to Restore Objects from Azure Recycle Bin by Santhosh Sivarajan
    Lasse Wed: "OK, but would like more information on how to control the defaults"
    Eric Berg: "Should be more specific in title, that it is about Azure AD Recycle Bin. Please describe required PowerShell Modules!"
    Jan Hentschel: "Short but a good one. The title should reflect that this article is about Azure AD. Wasn't that easy to see on the first sight."
    Anton Staykov: "Although the article is technically correct, the title is a bit misleading. There is no "Azure recycle bin". The recycle bin being referred here is the Office 365 (or Azure AD) Recycle bin. And it is not about every objects in Azure, it is just about O365 users."
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Concise & simple one, images are making it more clear."
  • Creating new SQL Database and Table on Azure by SYED SHANU
    Jan Hentschel: "Nice article about the basics. Nevertheless, some of the pictures should use the English version of the appropriate product."
    Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nicely explain to start with SQL Azure."
    Lasse Wed: "A mashup of other howtos?"


 Miscellaneous Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Sandeep Shekhawat CRUD Operations In ASP.NET Core Using Entity Framework Core Code First Lasse Wed: "To the point"Richard Mueller: "Good introduction, great use of Wiki guidelines, and good references and code."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Great use of code snippets for explanation. "
Silver Award Winner  Santhakumar Munuswamy Getting Started with ASP.NET Core On Linux Richard Mueller: "Great images. The links to Wiki articles could be put in a "See Also" section. Avoid first person."
Bronze Award Winner  Gaurav Kumar Arora Consuming Microsoft ASP.NET Webhooks Receivers Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Couldn't say more, a perfect article, Gaurav."Lasse Wed: "Descriptive"Richard Mueller: "Lots of good code."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Michaelle de las Alas SharePoint Online Authentication for SOAP Service Calls Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "Interesting topic, which should be useful in some scenarios. The article should be a little bit longer maybe, but interesting idea. "
Silver Award Winner  Shantha Kumar T SharePoint Framework - An Introduction John Naguib: "Well done thanks for Sharing about SharePoint Framework"Malin De Silva: "Simple but explains well. "Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "I really appreciate the structure of this article, nice and clean. The tables should be better formatted maybe (the right side is missing), pictures should have borders and maybe the separate paragraphs with description should be a little bit longer, but this is just a cosmetic. Really nice article with all the aspects - conclusion etc. "
Bronze Award Winner  Vivek Jagga SharePoint Server 2016: New feature - Zero downtime patching Malin De Silva: "Good article and can improve by better structuring of the content."Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "Maybe I will choose another background for the picture or another font color in that picture, not darker blue and black text. Also aligned text to block in the beginning and rest of the paragraphs aligned to the left. Good is the bullet list with step by step, nice!"John Naguib: "Thanks for Sharing, article looks fine"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • Restoring and removing item permissions in subfolders for SharePoint Online using Powershell by Arleta Wanat
    Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "Really interesting article. There are few formatting issues (code sections, blank spaces between paragraphs, some pictures are big, some of them are small - should be more similar). Another thing is that the highlight section in the pictures should be done in some better way (like squares, not by pen - in this way it doesn't look so professional). On the other side, I like all the links and the structure of the article. "


 Small Basic Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: How to Use Arduino Michiel Van Hoorn: "This is an awesome way for making Smallbasic become aware of it's surrounding. Easy to setup anduseful example but with the huge array of input (sensors) a great start for Arduino/SmallBasic mesh-ups."
Silver Award Winner  Ed Price - MSFT Small Basic: Download and Install the LitDev Extension Michiel Van Hoorn: "This pretty much opens a whole next dimension to Smallbasic. certainly something to try for experienced Smallbasic programmers who want to go for the next step and benefit from these libraries. A must try!"


 SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Prashanth Jayaram Monitoring Disk Space with SQL Server and PowerShell via SQL Agent Job   Sam Lester: "This article is packed with great tips! Great work!"Jens K. Suessmeyer: "Nice idea, implemented as many other solutions in a nice persitent day. Thgouh what I would like to see in addition is a cleaner table design (Instead of Yes / No) and outlined the needed permissions to actuallz execute powershell scripts aainst (distant) servers. This is probably not doable in most cases as of the security restrictions. In addition I would also point out options like monitoring software which is also available from Microsoft or even the integrated PBM in SQL Server."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Very important topic. It's nice to have option to use different solutions, and using PowerShell can be very useful. The article is well written. Well done!"


 System Center Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Stoyan Chalakov The mysterious case of the queued Service Management Automation (SMA) runbook jobs (a bit more on Sandbox process separation) Eric Berg: "Interesting Topic. Good structure. Important Information."
Silver Award Winner  C Sharp Conner SCSM - Fix Error on Delete Service Offering - ManagementPackEnumeration ID was not found Eric Berg: "Thank you"


 Universal Windows Apps Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Vinoth Rajendran Launch an app on a remote device Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "The code snippets needed a bit formatting. "Diederik Krols: "Nice read."Alex Drenea: "Very interesting subject and a good effort on showing of a quick example of how it works. The article itself could use some polish both as a content and presentation and even grammar in some places. The video at the end is a really nice touch but I would like to see a nicer edit - i.e. screen recording not filming the monitor with a camera."


 Visual Basic Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  .paul. ExtendedDataGridView Demo Mark Rideout: "Great article! I'm partial to anything DataGridView related. Article itself could use a few formatting tweaks."Khanna Gaurav: "Good article and will surely help developers"Richard Mueller: "Good explanation and code example. I like the links to articles explaining the classes and properties. A See Also would be helpful."
Silver Award Winner  .paul. Custom Controls Demo Mark Rideout: "Good article. I would like to see actual be more than a "showcase" article and try to get into details."Khanna Gaurav: "Nice but explanation of how to create these custom controls should be there"Richard Mueller: "Good images, good demo. Lots of download links. A See Also and Other References would be helpful."


 Visual C# Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Sibeesh Venu Working With IgniteUI Grid Control Carmelo La Monica: "Very nice work. Article detailed in all parts. Congrats"Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good work by Sibeesh. Code is looking nice. Contains external links and should pay attention."Khanna Gaurav: "Good walkthrough about the control."Jaliya Udagedara: "If you haven’t used IgniteUI before, this article should help you start off with IgniteUI in an ASP.NET MVC Web Application."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "It is well written and great content, but not well formatted for the TechNet Wiki. (1) It includes content, which copied from external editor. This led to a lot of HTML Style code that was added to the article behind the scene. In some cases, it's faster to copy section by section as plain text, than to fix the format of the article later on (2) A Wiki article should be written in 3rd person without personal approach like 'I hope', 'I am an MVP'.There is place for improvement the post to make it better fit for the TechNet Wiki."
Silver Award Winner  João Sousa ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Configure ApplicationInsights Jaliya Udagedara: "Great article. I am sure every ASP.NET developer has seen this term “Application Insights” and if you are not sure what it does, this is a must read article."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Great article! it's explained well. Well written Step-By-Step tutorial."Khanna Gaurav: "Very useful article to know about application insights. "Carmelo La Monica: "I didn't work with AspNet Core 1.0. This is for me very good point for to start. Good images and C# code. Congrats."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nice write up."
Bronze Award Winner  Sandeep Shekhawat CRUD Operations in MVC using Generic Repository Pattern and Entity Framework Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Great presentation. "Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Well explain and good stuffs with Code. Thanks Sandeep for sharing it."Khanna Gaurav: "Excellent article and nicely explained. Recommended one for CRUD Operation in MVC."Sibeesh Venu : "Well structured and very well explained. Thanks "Carmelo La Monica: "Nice C# code, good images and goo idea for Download and see also section."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Excellent article. well written and well formatted."Jaliya Udagedara: "Nice explanation with use of images and code snippets. Full source code is available in MSDN Code gallery and that is great!"


 Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Peter Geelen Wiki Governance: Why certain Wiki content is removed or archived Richard Mueller: "Great information and necessary to document this information. I love the references, and a great "See Also"."Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Very informative!!"
Silver Award Winner  Ronen Ariely Wiki Governance: Guru Contest Judges Guidelines Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent guide for the Judges."Richard Mueller: "Great use of Wiki guidelines, including TOC, horizontal rules, back to top links, etc."


 Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Prashanth Jayaram PoSH : DiskSpace GUI Tool Richard Mueller: "Very interesting and well explained. Great code, images, and references. I especially like the "See Also" and the "Features" section."Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice walk through on how Grid, Chart and WinForm with good references, further readings and see also section."
Silver Award Winner  Peter Geelen Active Directory PowerShell: List items with "Protect object from accidental deletion" setting Maor Bracha: "Useful tool in every troubleshooting toolbox."Kia Zhi Tang: "Good referencing, credits and download links."Rob Corradini: "Great Article and Code Example...I would add some more descriptive on the Prerequisites. The AD PS module can be loaded on any server, not just a DC. Both versions of code look great. "Richard Mueller: "An important topic. Lots of great well documented code in this article."
Bronze Award Winner  Prashanth Jayaram PoSH & SQL : Monitor and Report Disk Usage Stats - Task Scheduler Richard Mueller: "Great explanation. The code and images help a lot."Kia Zhi Tang: "Good script to monitor and generate disk usage using PowerShell based on interval using Task Scheduler. It will be good if is is broken down to two separate Wiki articles or even configure Scheduled Task using PowerShell."Maor Bracha: "Love seeing the evolution of last month's solution - now made even better with a GUI."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • PowerShell : CSV - Disk Space Report - CSV by Prashanth Jayaram
    Richard Mueller: "Well done. I like the "Highlights" section. Fantastic code. The TechNet references (Wiki's) could be in the "See Also"."
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Similar article with 35739.powershell-csv-disk-space-report-excel.aspx and 35766.powershell-csv-disk-space-report-html.aspx that generates different output. It's a good effort but I will recommend you to put them in the same article with a different header or chapter instead of duplicating 60-70% of the content and finish the 30% per article submission. In fact, you could also have links to each article using see also section."


 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Magnus (MM8) WPF: Disabling a RibbonButton Khanna Gaurav: "Perfect solution with additional resources to know more."Alex Drenea: "A slightly disappointing article that is based on a SO answer. Furthermore althouh it presents an interesting technique that might be re-used, the problem it is trying to solve is a bit against the Ribbon design guidelines."


 Windows Server Technical Guru - October 2016 
Gold Award Winner  Burak Ugur Windows Server 2016 “Technical Preview” issue and fix Eric Berg: "Needs a better description which updates Need to be installed. A bit more Detail and description is better to understand the "why""Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good article. Table of contents and references are missing. "Peter Geelen: "Quick and practical solution"Mark Parris: "Interesting gotcha that may impact users moving on from the technical preview of Windows Server 2016, but I would always recommend a clean installation where possible in this scenario."Kia Zhi Tang: Good effort. The solution is correct for Windows Server 2016 ADDS Functional Level to be updated from "Technical Preview" to "Windows Server 2016", the recommended solution is to apply all software updates before you proceed to install the Roles and Features. The exact fix came from KB3194798 reported by MVPs and the See Also section referring to KB3192366 may be misleading."Rob Corradini: "Great catch and simple straight forward fix. Nice Job and Accurate. The first line is a little confusing, try something like this: When you install Windows Server 2016 RTM, and then try to promote it as Domain Controller to a new Forest and Domain Functional Level, you are presented with “Technical Preview” even though its RTM."Richard Mueller: "Good to know about this issue. Links in the "See Also" should be Wiki articles. The kb article can be linked in "Other Resources"."


A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to October's competition.

Best regards,
Pete Laker (Azure MVP)

More about the TechNet Guru Awards:


  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2016
    Lots of good articles this month. Thanks for highlighting the winners. Congratulations to all.
  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2016
    Congrats to all the Winners :)
  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2016
    Thanks judges for valuable comments and precious time :). Congratulations to all winners ! Cheers :)I am glad to see my name in the list from last four months.
  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2016
    Hard work never fails , Congratulations to all
  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2016
    I agree, there are lots of great articles this month.Well done all contributors, and congrats to all these who won :-)It's great to see all the new judges active. We recruited 25 new judges, in recent weeks, to join the judges team. We are now ready to read and check all articles, which our TechNet Wiki gurus will publish :-)* If you are Microsoft employee or Microsoft MVP, and if you want to join the judges team, then please contact me. Most categories already full, but there are several categories that we can add judges.Have fun all, Ronen
  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2016
    Congrats to all the winners :) Thank you for all judges and TechNet wiki team.
  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2016
    Congrats to all ☺
  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2016
    Congratulations to all winners. Keep up the good work. :)
  • Anonymous
    December 01, 2016
    Congratulations to all! Thanks to judges for sharing your views. Glad to see my name in the list of winners.
  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2016
    Congrats to our Gold Medal winners!I'm seeing a lot of ASP.NET in our Miscellaneous category!
    • Anonymous
      December 02, 2016
      Thanks Ed !It's time to introduce new ASP.NET category :). Some articles are based the ASP.NET or web development only which not fit in Visual C# category. The Miscellaneous category is playing a role for such kind ASP.NET, Angular and Node web development articles.
      • Anonymous
        December 05, 2016
        Yep... I agree... time to add Asp.Net category :-)
      • Anonymous
        December 23, 2016
        This takes some development time. So if there are volunteer developers, let me know. Otherwise, we're adding it as a top priority on the backlog. Thanks!