Let's celebrate TechNet Wiki PowerShell Contributors
Let's celebrate Windows PowerShell Contributors for sharing great TechNet Wiki Articles and making TechNet Wiki a great source in bing search results.
It's time for us to show case the Power of Shell in TechNet Wiki, take a look at the count for PowerShell articles (Source Wiki in bing).
Wait, does it include articles in other languages?
Yes, it's a search result based on the tag "PowerShell".
As we all know that most popular articles are available in top of the Bing search results and that keeps the content authors in limelight.
Who are they ?
Navigate to the RSS Feed URL and yes it looks weird in the browser.
PowerShell is to rescue!
Get the first 20 TechNet Wiki articles with the query PowerShell from the RSS feed using the below snippet
Note: RSS feeds will not hold the historic information but helps to get available information.
$param = @{
Uri = "https://social.technet.microsoft.com/search/en-US/feed?query=PowerShell&format=RSS&refinement=90"
OutFile = "C:\Temp\WikiSearch.xml"
Invoke-WebRequest @param
[xml]$xml = Get-Content "C:\Temp\WikiSearch.xml"
$feed = $xml.rss.channelforeach($msg in $feed.Item)
Title = $msg.title
Description = $msg.description
Link = $msg.link
We are not done yet!
How can we miss to sing the pride of TN Wiki PowerShell contributors?
And yes, contributors not authors because TN Wiki articles are subjected to edit and one or many will contribute for it!
So, let's try to see our own popular TechNet Wiki PowerShell addicts.
Below illustrated image is the link and contributors information for first 20 PowerShell TN articles
The first TN Wiki PowerShell article in the bing result is excellent to showcase! RSS feed
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/183.windows-powershell-survival-guide/rss.aspx" |
Select Creator , pubdate
We are TN Wiki team players, no need to explicitly highlight individuals, so in short "A standing ovation to all TN Wiki PowerShell contributors".
Keep sharing PowerShell articles and don't forget to tag "PowerShell" and not "power shell".
Thanks and Regards
- Anonymous
August 13, 2016
Great blog :-)Very useful +5- Anonymous
August 14, 2016
Thanks Ronen!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
August 13, 2016
Nice post Chen V- Anonymous
August 14, 2016
Thanks Syed!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
August 16, 2016
37K is quite a lot! This is awesome. Great job on the highlights! - Anonymous
August 23, 2016
Thank you for good sharing