
August 2016 TechNet Guru Winners!

All the votes are in!  (Just before the lock down!)


And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, August 2016 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.

Starting this month you will notice some articles are marked as failing to meet our minimum bar for quality or content.

Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.


Guru Award  BizTalk Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold Johns-305 BizTalk: Simplify BizTalk Dev by Using the Empty Namespace Peter Laker: "Excellent article! Indepth and informative."Ronen Ariely: "It's very nice post, but it is written like personal blog and not like shared article. Conclusions or Summary could help. It miss the section of "also see" where links to more information can be added."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Chilberto On-premises BizTalk integration with Azure File Storage Ronen Ariely: "Very nice and well written. I love the option to download the project."Peter Laker: "A great solution article about this problem."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze lanax BizTalk: Demystify dependency on Enterprise SSO Ronen Ariely: "very nice article, well written and well formatted."Peter Laker: "A nice single-signon article, thanks lanax."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


Guru Award  Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Peter Geelen FIM/MIM Forum: How to get the maximum return on your forum question? Peter Laker: "Great article Peter, top marks."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  AnirbanSingha FIM 2010 : ECMA 2.0 Connector XML Peter Laker: "Useful code dump, thanks Anirban"
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  Wim Beck MIM2016 Troubleshooting: MIM Portal Performance Issue Peter Laker: "Nice solution!"


Guru Award  Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - August 2016 
Gold Award Winner 0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold Kia Zhi Tang (Ryen Tang) Microsoft Azure: Managing Nano Server with Server Management Tools Nicolas Bonnet: "Best so far"JH: "Extensive article about running a Nano Server on Azure. Provides good code snippets for working with Nano Server via PowerShell."AS: "Overall nice article, but a bit too much content for my taste - how to create resource group, virtual network, etc. is in my opinion not core subject of that article."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilverSilver Award Winner  Chilberto Faking out Azure - Unit Testing with Microsoft Fakes JH: "Nice article for testing Azure dependencies in an application."AS: "Nice, compact, straight to the point!"Nicolas Bonnet: "Very nice"
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze Bhushan Gawale Azure Active Directory Domain Services for Beginners Nicolas Bonnet: "Nice"JH: "AD Domain Services are a central component of every infrastructure. This article contains a nice walkthrough about AD DS running in Azure."AS: "Needs more work"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 Miscellaneous Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold Dileepa Kariyawasam Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection - Introduction and Step by Step Deployment Guide Richard Mueller: "A good article. The links in the "See Also" are not Wiki articles, so they should be in the "References" section."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Sandeep Shekhawat Form Submit using Ajax in ASP.NET MVC Richard Mueller: "Good use of the Wiki guidelines."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze  SYED SHANU ASP.NET Core1.0 Insert/Select to Database Using Angular2 and WEB API Richard Mueller: "Grammar can be improved."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


Guru Award  SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold Gold Award Winner  Geetanjali Arora SharePoint Online: Site Collection Provisioning using Azure AD Apps John Naguib: "Excellent one, thanks for talking about this topic"Ronen Ariely: "Very Nice and well formatted article, well written, and even include the option to download the solution from TechNet Gallery. Well done. "
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Dan Christian PowerApps and Flow with SharePoint on-premises John Naguib: "very nice, thanks for talking about this new topic"Ronen Ariely: "Very nice article. I love that there is a video embedded into the article."
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013) SharePoint 2016 Visio Service Application, Step By Step Guide John Naguib: "Nice, thanks for collecting this"Ronen Ariely: "Nice"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Small Basic Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Nonki Takahashi Small Basic Sample: Small DOS DEVA: "I like it. Wonderful work Nonki!!"Michiel Van Hoorn: "Great article from Nonki. Demonstrates Smallbasic's hidden gems"


Guru Award  SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold Uwe Ricken SQL Server: Inside a DELETE operation in Heaps Ronen Ariely: "Great article! Very interesting and important topic. I definitely recommend to read this article!"
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Prashanth Jayaram Parameter(s) Passing - SQL script -Using- Batch File[sqlcmd]/PowerShell[Invoke-sqlcmd] Ronen Ariely: "Very nice solution. Article well formatted, well done!It's good idea to add comment about vulnerability to sql injection"


Guru Award  System Center Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  sridhar vishwanatham SCOM Monitor/Rule UTC time Zone Scheduler Peter Laker: "Winner!"


Guru Award  Visual Basic Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Hussain Shahbaz Khawaja Integrating Web Services/JSON API in UWP App Richard Mueller: "Good use of Wiki guidelines, but avoid first person. References and a See Also would be useful."


Guru Award  Visual C# Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold   Sandeep Shekhawat Code First Migrations in Entity Framework Carmelo La Monica: "Another good article and contents with Entity framework."Ronen Ariely: "Very good article, important issue, which is raised in the forum a lot. I loved the basic architecture of the solution. I am not sure that I would separate the data classes from the mapping in such a project, but definitely I like that the Model separate from the View (console app in this case). I think that there was place to mention the architecture as a comment in the introduction."Jaliya Udagedara: "Good use of code snippets and images. Would have been better if more details were included about Code First Migrations."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Sabah Shariq CRUD Operation in Elasticsearch using C# and NEST Jaliya Udagedara: "Nice article demonstrating how you can use NEST (.NET client for Elasticsearch) for CRUD operations on Elasticsearch using C#."Carmelo La Monica: "Great contents and code, good for to learn Elasticsearch with C#and NEST."Ronen Ariely: "Well formatted, well written. great article!"
7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze Sibeesh Venu Working With Test Client In Asp Net Web API Help Page Jaliya Udagedara: "Shows how you can use WebApiTestClient nuget package to test Web API actions within Web API help pages. Interesting!"Carmelo La Monica: "Good topic, code and Images. It can also to benefit to the table contents."Ronen Ariely: "This is very nice topic. The article uses external images, which is not acceptable in the WIKI. First of all the WIKI is a shared article. This mean any contact should be part of the article, under the article licence, and not in external website. Moreover, using images in external website creates dependency in external resources. Please read this and this.


Guru Award  Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Maor Bracha [Tool] SafetyNet - Keep Office 365 Mailbox when removing AD-Synced user Jan Egil Ring: "Very Nice"Richard Mueller: "Great to link a Gallery script. Good images."
0841.NinjaAwardTinySilver  Prashanth Jayaram PoSH-Extending-Modules-illustrate- System-Parameter-Measurement Richard Mueller: "Good use of Wiki guidelines. I like the References. Well explained."Jan Egil Ring: "Good work"


Guru Award  Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - August 2016 
0640_NinjaAwardTinyGold  Magnus (MM8) WPF/MVVM: Handling a MouseWheel Event In The ViewModel LL: "Nice"Peter Laker: "Winner!"
  • A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to December's competition.
  • Hopefully we will see you ALL again in September 2016's listings, which CLOSE TOMORROW!Best regards,
    Pete Laker (Azure MVP)
    MVP logo8507_PeteWikiNinjaStick_png-199x0More about the TechNet Guru Awards:


  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Congrats to all winners and contributors and thank you judges for valuable time :)
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Yay. :) Congratulations to all the winners and contributors and special thanks to all the judges for their valuable comments. :)
    • Anonymous
      October 08, 2016
      Geetanjali, we invite you to join our special Skype group for TechNet Guru Gold Medal Winners. To connect in Skype, you can add me as a contact: "live:edwardnprice"Thanks!
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Congrats to all winners and contributors. I got one more medal..Yay...Thanks Judges for your hard work.
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Congrats to all winners and contributors. Thanks to all judges for motivational comment and valuable time. I am so glad to got two medals(Gold & Silver) in back to back month. :)
    • Anonymous
      October 08, 2016
      Sandeep, we invite you to join our special Skype group for TechNet Guru Gold Medal Winners. To connect in Skype, you can add me as a contact: "live:edwardnprice"Thanks!
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Congrats to all the winners:)
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Congrats to all.
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2016
    Congrats to all winnersWell Done to all contributors
  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2016
    My first gold :)Thank you judges!Congrats to all the winners.
    • Anonymous
      October 01, 2016
      Nice :-)congrats
    • Anonymous
      October 08, 2016
      Hussain, we invite you to join our special Skype group for TechNet Guru Gold Medal Winners. To connect in Skype, you can add me as a contact: "live:edwardnprice"Thanks!
  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2016
    Thanks to all the judges.Congrats to all the winners :)
  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2016
    Yay!! Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to judges for valuable comments!
  • Anonymous
    October 03, 2016
    Congratulations to all!! Great work by everyone and keep up spirit for next month!!Thanks judges for all your valuable time and comments!!
  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2016
    Congratulations to all the winners, contributors and judges.
  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2016
    Congratulations to all winners
  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2016
    This was truly a tough month for the judges and took us awhile! No thanks to me. So big thanks go out to Microsoft MVP Peter Laker and the other judges who jumped in and got this finished!We'll work harder to support this and make sure it's not quite as difficult in the coming months. Thank you!
  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2016
    We invite the following Gold Medal winners (who won gold medals for August and may have also won for previous months), to join us in our special Skype group, TechNet Guru Gold Medal Winners. You can add me as a contact in Skype: "live:edwardnprice"The following Gold medal winners from the August results are invited (the others are already in the group):BizTalk - Johns-305 Miscellaneous (Exchange Online) - Dileepa SharePoint - Geetanjali SQL Server - Uwe RickenSystem Center - Sridhar VB - Hussain Shahbaz VC# - Sandeep PowerShell - Maor Bracha WPF - Magnus
  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2016
    Thank you for considering my article, I will get the article modified as per the suggestion from our valued technical community leaders.