
TNWiki Article Spotlight - T-SQL Useful links

Good day, everyone!

This is my first blog post after quite a long break. Today I am finally able to create new blogs and I decided to highlight an old article of mine T-SQL Useful Links.

In this article I collected a multitude of useful references to blogs on different SQL Server related topics many of which are very common as questions in the SQL Server forums.

I encourage everyone who comes upon a useful SQL Server related resource to add it to that article under corresponding category.

Thank you all and see you soon in my next blog post.


  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2016
    Welcome back! We're glad to see you return. And this is a good article that has evolved over time! I recommend everyone who uses T-SQL to check it out!
  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2016
    Good Collections of T-SQL Links ,Thank You Naomi
  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2016
    I feel one of the best source for T-SQL. Thanks for all your efforts in collating it in a single article. Thanks again!!
  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2016
    Thank you for useful information
  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2016
    Hey everybody )At least this one looks pretty controversial (and this actually is pointed in the comments to the original article).>>>NOT IN problemWhy you should never use IN/NOT IN in SQL
    • Anonymous
      August 20, 2016
      Hi Sergey, There are many controversial articles on the web, still they are "useful". On the other hand, this is a "wiki" article, so you can make it better with editing it, if needed. This way, many articles became better on TechNet Wiki.
      • Anonymous
        August 20, 2016
        Hello, Saeid.I am thinking about some quality threshold here: 1. When you are giving the first glance at the article you perform basic estimation of the quality and such sharp claims form pretty negative impression like this (it was not my comment but i feel something like this):>>>Anonymous said...>>>I'm sorry, but this article is absolutely absurd. 2. After negative first impression you probably will not edit the article (and even read the details of it) as far as the impression spreads to the whole article - it is just a basic psychological effect - you estimate the whole article as something like mentioned in the comment in 1.3. Along with the guru competition "TNWiki Article Spotlight" (vs a regular wiki article) forms overall impression about TNWiki and following logic in 2 the negative impression spreads to the TNWiki at a bigger scale.I try to follow the TNWiki Article Spotlight and have a feeling that the article undermines authority of TNWiki (more than others - here i am talking about the threshold).
    • Anonymous
      August 20, 2016
      It is Denis Gobo article and while it sounds a bit harsh, he provides some reasoning behind it. Personally I prefer to use EXISTS/NOT EXISTS although I can not say that I never use IN/NOT IN. In any case, my article is a collection of good links on important topics. That was an old article I came upon many years ago, but I think it's a good one and deserved to be included.
  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2016
    Useful Link Naomi.