
Top Contributors Awards for 2nd week of May 2016

Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...



As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Gold Award Winner Most Revisions Award Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 [Kamlesh Kumar] with 72 revisions.


#2 Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013) with 72 revisions.


#3 Peter Geelen with 72 revisions.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Richard Mueller with 31 revisions.


#5 SMSVikasK with 28 revisions.


#6 Prabhath Mannapperuma with 11 revisions.


#7 Greg Deckler (Fusion Alliance) with 9 revisions.


#8 Abhishek.Kumar.Pathak with 9 revisions.


#9 Ed Price - MSFT with 8 revisions.


#10 Joe Davies with 7 revisions.



Gold Award Winner Most Articles Updated Award Who has updated the most articles


#1 [Kamlesh Kumar] with 54 articles.


#2 Peter Geelen with 45 articles.


#3 SMSVikasK with 23 articles.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Richard Mueller with 21 articles.


#5 Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013) with 13 articles.


#6 Abhishek.Kumar.Pathak with 8 articles.


#7 Ed Price - MSFT with 7 articles.


#8 Greg Deckler (Fusion Alliance) with 4 articles.


#9 Santhosh Sivarajan- with 4 articles.


#10 Joe Davies with 3 articles.



Gold Award Winner Most Updated Article Award Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was Creating Azure Mobile App With Visual Studio, by Sibeesh Venu

This week's revisers were Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013), Greg Deckler (Fusion Alliance), Richard Mueller & Sibeesh Venu

It's new! It's shiney! It's popular! We love it!



Gold Award Winner Longest Article Award Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is SharePoint 2016 Logging Area and Category., by Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013)

This week's reviser was Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013)

What a whopper! Behold the length [and girth] of this article!



Gold Award Winner Most Revised Article Award Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is SharePoint 2016 Managing Farm by PowerShell Cmdlets, by Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013). It was revised 16 times last week.

This week's reviser was Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013)

Another win for Waqas! Lots of love going into this one!



Gold Award Winner Most Popular Article Award Collaboration is the name of the game!


The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Contributions - May 2016, by XAML guy

May is blossoming into a bumper spring edition! Pop in and see the early birds and the wealth of wisdom they produce!

This week's revisers were Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013), Dan Christian, Eldert Grootenboer, Mauricio Feijo, Greg Deckler (Fusion Alliance), Sibeesh Venu, Namrah Khurram & Bhushan Gawale


As guru almost always wins, the article to be updated by the SECOND most people this week is Creating Azure Mobile App With Visual Studio, by Sibeesh Venu

We love it. We help buff it to glory!

This week's revisers were Waqas Sarwar(MCSE 2013), Greg Deckler (Fusion Alliance), Richard Mueller & Sibeesh Venu



Gold Award Winner Ninja Edit Award A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person



  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2016
    I made it to #10 on the leaderboard! Yay! =^)Special thanks to Kamlesh, Waqas, Peter Geelen, Sibeesh, and XAML guy, for a great week of edits and articles!
    • Anonymous
      May 09, 2016
      Thank you Ed, and thanks to all contributors !
    • Anonymous
      May 09, 2016
      Thank You!, I have quick question how can I submit my article for feature article of the week/month?
  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2016
    Well done all contributors!
  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2016
    Great job authors and editors!