
Using SMS 2003 SQL Views to Create Custom Reports



A new document has been released to the Web that provides an overview of the WMI and SMS SQL view schemas, an overview of typical SQL statements that are used when creating reports, an overview of the built-in reports and associated components for creating reports, examples of how the views can be joined to other views to retrieve desired data, and detailed information about the SMS views and view categories.


The document can be downloaded at: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9d6f3a2f-52c6-4574-b8b0-16846da2fc55&displaylang=en.


The document is also available to read online by going to the Operate SMS or Technical Reference section at: https://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sms/sms2003/default.mspx.


Let us know what you think!




Doug Eby, MCSE, MCP

Senior Technical Writer

Windows & Enterprise Management Division – UA


