
Check out the Beta Security Configuration Packs for Desired Configuration Management!

On the subject of security, the Security Solution Accelerator team has recently released 12 Configuration Packs with their Security Compliance Management toolkit to help you assess security compliance using desired configuration management configuration baselines with Configuration Manager.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain the benefits of checking for security compliance! Use these Configuration Packs to determine the level of compliance as prescribed in security guides from Microsoft for Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 SP2.

This is an open beta – running from April 3rd to May 8th - so take full advantage of the opportunity to try them out and provide feedback. But don’t send feedback to us: see the accompanying instructions for the various ways in which you can send feedback.

Download the Security Compliance Management toolkit from the Microsoft Download Center: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=113939.



- Carol



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