Howto: WebDAV PUT using VBScript
' This example shows how to do a PUT of a message to a folder. What is being written with a PUT would
' be the MIME of a message and such MIME can also contain the MIME of the message. PUT works against
' messaging items directly such as mail messages. It cannot be used to add an attachment without
' recreating the entire message. PUT is a desctructive write against the URL specified.
' You can use Outlook Express to create a mime message. To use this sample, create a mime message
' and save it as c:\MyTestEmail.eml, the run the code.
' NOTE: You need to have a header of "Translate" set to "f" in order to read mime of an item with a PUT.
' NOTE: A PUT should only be used for writting message. It's often used for creating messages for sending.
' Do the TODO Sections
' ReadFileText - Used to PUT (write) an item to a file in a folder.
' Parameters:
' sFile - The file to read
' Returns:
' A string containing the content of the file.
Function ReadFileText (sFile)
Dim objFSO 'As FileSystemObject
dim oTS
dim sText
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFile)
sText = oTS.ReadAll
set oTS = nothing
Set objFSO = nothing
ReadFileText = sText
end Function
' DoWebdavPut- Used to PUT (write) an item to a file in a folder.' Parameters:
' sFolder - The complete URI to PUT the item (includes item name).
' sText - The contents to write in the file.
' sUser - User ID for logging in. Set to "" if using windows authentication
' sPassword - Password for logging in. Set to "" if using windows authentication
' Returns:
' Status response text
Private Function DoWebdavPut(sFolder, sText, sUser, sPassword)
Dim bSucess 'As Boolean
Dim iStatus 'As Integer
Dim sStatus 'As String
Dim sResponse 'As String
set oXMLHttp = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
If sUser <> "" Then
oXMLHttp.Open "PUT", sFolder, False, sUser, sPassword
oXMLHttp.Open "PUT", sFolder, False ', sUser, sPassword
End If
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "translate", "f" ' Set this to prevent stream problems
oXMLHttp.Send sText ' Send the stream across
bSucess = False
iStatus = oXMLHttp.Status
sStatus = oXMLHttp.statusText
If (iStatus >= 200 And iStatus < 300) Then
wscript.echo "PUT: Success! " & "Results = " & iStatus & ": " & sStatus
bSucess = True
ElseIf iStatus = 401 Then
wscript.echo "PUT: You don't have permission to do the job! Please check your permissions on this item."
wscript.echo "PUT: Request Failed. Results = " & iStatus & ": " & sStatus
End If
Set oXMLHttp = Nothing
DoWebdavPut = sStatus
End Function
Dim sHREF 'As String
Dim sUserName 'As String
Dim sPassword 'As String
Dim sFile 'As String
Dim sRet 'As String
sHREF = "https://myexserver/exchange/Administrator/Inbox/testabcdxx.EML" ' TODO: change
sUserName = "Administrator" ' TODO: change
sPassword = "test" ' TODO: change
sFile = "c:\MyTestEmail.eml" ' TODO: change
sRet = ""
sString = ReadFileText(sFile)
sRet = DoWebdavPut(sHREF, sString, sUserName, sPassword)
wscript.echo sRet
- Anonymous
March 09, 2009
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