HOWTO: CDO 1.21/VBS - Get Free/Busy information
' getfbCDO121.vbs - Get Free/Busy information using CDO1.21 and vbs
' Instructions:
' Save to a file called getfbCDO121.vbs
' Do the TODO: sections
' Run from the command line using: cscript getfbCDO121.vbs
Dim ObjSession 'MAPI.Session
Dim ObjMessage 'MAPI.Message
Dim ObjAddressEntry 'MAPI.AddressEntry
Dim sFreeBusy
Dim sFBFrom
Dim sFBTo
Dim sLoginProfileInfo ' This is sLoginServer + lf + sLoginMailbox
Dim sLoginServer
Dim sLoginMailbox
Dim sFBMailbox ' This is the mailbox of the user to get Free/Busy information for.
' ----------- Configure ------------------------------
sLoginServer = "" ' TODO: Change this to the name of you email server - Example: "NORTHAMERICA" for the Exchange server called "NORTHAMERICA" - you can also use a TCP address.
sLoginMailbox = "maybemyuser" ' TODO: Change this to the name of your mail box - Example: "danjones" for
sProfileInfo = sLoginServer & vbLf & sLoginMailbox
sFBMailbox = "" ' TODO: Change this to the user you want to get Free/Busy Information for. You can also use just the mailbox name, without using the full email address.
' Note that the user you log-in with must have access to this mailbox.
sFreeBusy = ""
'Specify the date/time of the beginning of the first time slot.
sFBFrom = "6/4/2003 8:00:00 AM" ' TODO: Change this
'Specify the date/time of the end of the last time slot.
sFBTo = "6/4/2003 6:00:00 PM" ' TODO: Change this
' --------------- Startup a MAPI Session -------------------
Set ObjSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
ObjSession.Logon , , False, True, 0, True, sProfileInfo
Set ObjMessage = ObjSession.Inbox.Messages.Add
Set ObjRecipColl = ObjMessage.Recipients
Set ObjOneRecip = ObjRecipColl.Add
'Type the alias of the person or the resource account.
ObjOneRecip.Name = sFBMailbox
Set ObjAddressEntry = ObjOneRecip.AddressEntry
'Specify the length of each time slot in minutes.
'If Interval parameter is less than 1, GetFreeBusy returns
Interval = 30
'Interval parameter determines the number of time slots.
'For this example, Interval is set to 60 minutes. Therefore,
'there will be 2 time slots between the StartTime and the EndTime.
'The first time slot is between 8:00:00-9:00:00 AM.
'The second time slot is between 9:00:00-10:00:00 AM.
sFreeBusy = ObjAddressEntry.GetFreeBusy(sFBFrom, sFBTo, Interval)
'Since there are two time slots, the GetFreeBusy method returns a
'string with length 2. For example, FreeBusy = "21" indicates that
'there is a tentative commitment during the time slot 1. Also,
'there is a confirmed commitment during the time slot 2.
WScript.echo "Freebusy: " & sFreeBusy
' Each element in the array corresponds to the time-span of
' the time interval.
' The meaning of each element is as follows:
' 0 - Available for meetings/appointments during the time slot
' 1 -At least one tentative commitment during the time slot
' 2 -At least one confirmed commitment during the time slot
' 3 -Out-of-office (OOF) for at leastpart of the time slot
Set ObjMessage = Nothing
Set ObjRecipColl = Nothing
Set ObjOneRecip = Nothing
Set ObjAddressEntry = Nothing
Set ObjSession = Nothing