
Ward Pond's SQL Server blog

Ruminating on issues pertinent to the design and development of sound databases and processes under Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2000 (while reserving the right to vent about anything else that's on my mind)

DWWTWT?: December 1-5

No post-Thanksgiving lull here; a full week of telecommuting including a pretty late night last...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/05/2008

Windows Live Messenger Translation Services Available

I’m about three months late to the party on this, but in light of our previous forays into machine...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/05/2008

Happy Birthday, Dad! v84.0

If it's December 4th, it must be my Dad's birthday.. After our move to Florida this past August, I'm...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/04/2008

Just What is the Current SQL Server Patch Level, Anyway?

Courtesy of Ben Lam’s question and Arvind Shyamsundar’s answer comes the following list of resources...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 12/03/2008

DWWTWT?: November 24-28

UPDATED 04 Dec. 2008 with month-end statistics. It’s a short work week here in Central Florida....

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/25/2008

DWWTWT?: November 17-21

What a life! After a week of being footloose and fancy-free in one of the most cosmopolitan cities...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/21/2008

SQL Server 2005 SP2 News from Paul Randal

Thanks to Mohammed Sharaf, who passes along this post from Paul Randal’s blog regarding a corruption...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/17/2008

DWWTWT?: November 10-14

As you’re doubtless aware from reading the public areas of the blog, this week I was footloose (and...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/15/2008

What’s The One Thing A Technical Presenter Doesn’t Need?

A case of laryngitis. Yup. As I mentioned yesterday, my voice got a little flaky towards the end of...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/12/2008

My Favorite Pieces of Feedback for “SQL Tricks” So Far

Microsoft is constantly looking for ways to improve the experience of both presenters and delegates...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/11/2008

Scripts for “SQL Tricks: Insights from Microsoft IT”

UPDATED 22 November 2008 with Code Gallery URL. A ZIP file of the scripts from the SQL Tricks:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/11/2008

Hello From Barcelona

Greetings from the Speakers’ Lounge at the Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona, where TechEd...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/11/2008

Cross-Database Connectivity: An Answer For Kyle

Kyle Schoonover, a former colleague in MSIT, posed the following questions in a comment on October’s...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/07/2008

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.2 Now Available

The Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 3.2 makes it easier for customers and partners...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/07/2008

DWWTWT?: November 3-7

The week saw steady telecommuting in preparation for next week’s trip to Barcelona for TechEd EMEA...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 11/07/2008

DWWTWT?: October 27-31

I’m back in Central Florida after a week in Redmond, which means I returned to my grueling...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/31/2008

DWWTWT?: October 20-24

A week in Redmond began with the need to run a number of errands Monday morning before work. I ended...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/24/2008

Cumulative Update Package 10 for SQL Server 2005 SP2 Released

Cumulative Update Package 10 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available for download...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/23/2008

Cross-Version Database Attachments, DBCC UPDATEUSAGE, and UPDATE STATISTICS

One of the great things about working at Microsoft is one’s ability to eavesdrop on interesting...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/23/2008

I've Finally Taken The Technorati Plunge

UPDATED 23 October 2008: I've moved the button to the title bar for now until I can come up with...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/21/2008

DWWTWT?: October 13-17

Another week of telecommuting from central Florida; the weekend will include an airplane trip to...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/17/2008

Tech·Ed EMEA 2008 Developers Session Schedule Released!

Earlier this week, I got my session schedule for my talks at this year’s Tech·Ed EMEA 2008...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/16/2008

DWWTWT?: October 6-10

This week saw me telecommuting from central Florida: Commuting Options Selected since 12 June 2006...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/10/2008

Log Buffer #118: a Carnival of the Vanities for the DBA

UPDATED 16 Oct 2008 to fix a broken link. UPDATED 10 Oct 2008 to reflect Giuseppe's comment. Welcome...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/10/2008

DWWTWT?: October 1-3

The month and the last quarter of the year began as last month and last quarter ended: with...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 10/03/2008

DWWTWT?: September 29-30

I'm back home from Redmond and enjoying my "normal" three-room "commute" to my home office:...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/30/2008

Don't Like My English? Try Me In Portuguese (and Eleven Other Languages) With Windows Live Translator!

This is the coolest thing I've seen in quite awhile.. Microsoft Server and Tools (the group that...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/30/2008

La Font de Canaletes Works Its Magic

La Font de Canaletes is a public fountain near the head of La Rambla de Catalunya in what it...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/26/2008

DWWTWT?: September 22-26

This was my first week back in Redmond since moving to Florida. I "celebrated" by walking to work...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/26/2008

A Note From Binh's Customer

Binh Cao's customer left a comment on yesterday's post on global temp tables. Here's the money...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/25/2008

Database Programming: Sharing a Temp Table Among Processes

One of the great things about my involvement with the SQL Ranger community is that I occasionally...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/24/2008

Springboard Series Virtual Roundtable Tomorrow!

A note passed through my inbox this morning that may be of interest.. Tomorrow, September 24, at 9am...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/23/2008

Mobility, Defined: Greetings From MCO

MCO, for the groundlocked, is the FAA Airport Code for the airport in Orlando, Florida.  The...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/21/2008

DWWTWT?: September 15-19

This week was 100% telecommuting: Commuting Options Selected since 12 June 2006 Mode of Transport...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/19/2008

Pond's Seventh Law Inspires a Question: Elegance Serving Randomness

Marc left a great question on a Pond's Laws post from July of 2006: Hi, I have a flashcard system...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/17/2008

A Month and a Day in Florida

We are 32 days in Florida as of today, and so far it's been a marvelous experience. All three boys...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/16/2008

One Little Thing I Missed..

..while we were preparing for our move.. The company chose my 48th birthday (two days before the...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/13/2008

Deprecation of "Old Style" JOIN Syntax: Only A Partial Thing

UPDATE (15 September 2008): per Adam Machanic's comment, this syntax is in fact deprecated in...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/13/2008

DWWTWT?: September 8-12

Monday through Thursday I telecommuted from my home office; Friday I drove to the MSFT sales office...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/12/2008

Victory! Broadband Connectivity from my Home Office in the Boondocks

Now the story can be told..  the last couple weeks have not been pretty around here,...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/10/2008

Nullity: The Gift (of Nothingness) That Keeps On Giving

Almost three years after the post was originally published in October of 2005, Mark Johansen, author...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/09/2008

A One-Stop Post for SQL Server Upgrade Considerations

Mahesh passed along a wonderful bit of research he completed to aid in a platform upgrade, and I'd...

Author: Ward Pond Date: 09/05/2008

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