
Installation of the Visual Studio 2012 fails with the error message “Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Devenv Element not found”.


This error message is shown as soon as the setup for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 is launched. These errors are logged in a file named ‘dd_vs_ultimate_xxx.log’ located under the %temp% folder. This would contain the following text in the log:


[0EE0:08B0] [2013-09-27T10:20:46]: Error 0x80070490: Failed to find expected public key in certificate chain.

[0EE0:08B0][2013-09-27T10:20:46]: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify expected payload against actual certificate chain.

[0EE0:08B0][2013-09-27T10:20:46]: Error 0x80070490: Failed to verify signature of payload: cab528D5E86019AA7A84A37B99EE47495D5.




This could be happening due the following 2 reasons.

1. When you use Windows Update or Microsoft Update to install updates, you may receive Error code: 0x80070490 if the Component-Based Servicing (CBS) manifest is corrupted.

2. It is also possible that there are some issues with the certificates verification. In case it is due to the missing certificates from the “Certificate Root” follow the second resolution listed below.



1. Please follow the steps documented at https://support.microsoft.com/kb/958044

2. To update the root certificates this KB update needs to be installed: https://support.microsoft.com/KB/931125. This is best done through the ‘Microsoft Update Catalog’ page: https://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Home.aspx.
Click on the link to open the page and then search for "931125" and you will see several updates listed; select the correct update according to your operating system and OS architecture.

A reboot may be required. Once this is done, you should be able to Visual Studio 2012 without any issues.


Content by: Keshav Deo Jain


  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2013
    useful article