
WWW 2008

WWWNot what you think. WWW stands for World Water Week. This week is World Water Week. At least for me it almost went completely unrecognized. Thankfully it did not.

Almost every night I watch the German news magazine Tagesschau. Old habits. They did a short snippet about the WWW in Stockholm. One of the facts that were mentioned was that it takes 10,000 liters (2,642 US gallons) of water to produce one pair of denim jeans. From cotton seed to your leg.

If you are like me, you have more than one pair of this very water expensive pair garment. Now think about how often it has been cleaned in your washer ...

Searching for more information about water consumption and denim jeans I found this link.

Here are a few tips to conserve water in your (my) daily life. Or check the homepage of your local utility provider.