
Series of Webcasts and chats on Windows Server Virtualization

TechNet Webcast: Virtualization and Windows Server 2008

Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

The new Windows Server Virtualization infrastructure will be a core feature in Windows Server 2008.  This session will provide you an overview of virtualization role, the scenarios and features that make server virtualization an important pillar of Windows Server 2008. The session will also cover the longer term strategy and roadmap for Microsoft’s virtualization technologies. Virtualization is becoming a key tool for improving overall manageability for the IT environment – join us in this session to learn how Windows Server Virtualization helps build a strong flexible platform and improve overall manageability.


TechNet Webcast: Examining Microsoft’s Virtualization Portfolio and Capabilities with Windows Server 2008

Thursday, September 27, 2007, 8:00am Pacific Time

Virtualization is a top of mind topic today for enterprise IT organizations. Virtualization technology helps to improve hardware utilization, lower power consumption, decrease physical space usage.  Most importantly, virtualization affords increased quality of service delivery for key applications and organizations. This session will examine the Microsoft virtualization ecosystem with Windows Server 2008. Taking a 360 degree view of virtualization, topics covered will be: presentation, application, and server virtualization scenarios and technologies.


Chat : Windows Server 2008: Virtualization

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October 2, 2007, 11:00AM-12:00PM Pacific Time

Join us for a Q&A with your follow up questions from September’s Virtualization Webcast Series on the new Server Virtualization features in Windows Server 2008.  Ask our experts your questions about how to leverage Windows Server 2008 to optimize your organization’s IT Infrastructure.


Virtually Yours