

SCVMM stands for System Center Virtual Machine Manager. The essential tool for managing your virtual environments. Is is officially available broadly starting October 2007. In his blog post Chris Stirrat talks about the details. My personal favorite is the fourth announcement he makes in his post:

In addition to Viridian support – we are also adding some key customer driven features. We have heard loud and clear from customers and partners that we need to manage other virtualization environments in addition to Windows virtualization.  They want a single management solution that manages all the different hypervisor technologies. So – in our next set of releases will be adding support for non-Windows virtualization environments – specifically VMWare and Xen.  We listened to you!!!  And when I say we will manage these environments I mean really manage them – covering all the key scenarios they offer.  From a single console and a single command-line you will be able manage Virtual Server, Viridian, VMWare and Xen.

Wohoo. Support for VMware and Xen in a future release!

Virtually Yours