
Overwhelming interest in Windows HPC Event in the UK

Have to share this bit of information. As part of the Microsoft wide evangelism about Windows HPC Server, we host a series of worldwide events for technical and business decision makers.

In the past the sign ups for these free of charge overview events have been good or very good. But the upcoming event in the UK is beating all expectations by far.

Initially we had planned for a 15-20 attendee event. Well, we learned pretty quickly that this is not enough and so we found a bigger room, being able to host 30+ HPC interested folks. Today I pulled the latest numbers and we have over 70 people registered. Amazing!

I know we'll find a bigger room!

Should you be in the London area on March 27th, here's your chance to see, feel and learn about Windows HPC Server 2008 and the Microsoft HPC story in one day. Get the inside scoop from Microsoft experts. This event is on invitation only. Please register at the event website www.hpcpal.com. There you will also find an agenda and the event location.

www.hpcpal.com has a list of other event locations and a calendar. We are currently updating the event list with more events in more locations across the globe.

The next event in Europe is scheduled for April 10th, in wonderful Paris! The Paris event in held in French.

Please stay tuned and check back often.

Technorati Tags: Windows HPC Server 2008,HPC
