
Support tip: Installing a 2nd App-V Management Server instance against an existing database fails with a 25109 error

ToolsWhen trying install a second Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Management Server instance against an existing database that was created using scripts, you may find that the installation fails and generates a 25109 error.

This can occur if you are following the instructions in the "Creating a New Application Virtualization Database Using SQL Scripting" doc from https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/appvirtualization/cc843994.aspx.  These instructions contain an omission that can prevent setup from completing successfully. Below is the section affected:

1. Administrator in the “App-V Admins” group logs in to Application Virtualization Management Console and deletes the following objects from the Management Console.

NOTE: This is required as the traditional setup populates certain records in the database that are not populated if you execute the install against an already existing database. Delete the following objects:

· Under “Server Groups,” “Default Server Group,” delete “Application Virtualization Management Server”
· Under “Server Groups,” delete “Default Server Group”
· Under “Provider Policies,” delete “Default Provider”

2. Administrator in the App-V admins group should then create:

· Under “Provider Policies,” create a New Provider Policy
· Assign the App-V Users Group to the New Provider Policy created above
· Under “Server Groups,” create a New Server Group, specifying the New Provider Policy
· Under the New Server group, create a New Application Virtualization Management Server

What these instruction fail to state is that when recreating the new Server Group one should recreate a "Default Server Group" even if this group will not be used.  This is because the server installer only looks for the "Default Server Group" when trying to add the server.  If there is no "Default Server Group" then the installation will fail.  If you plan on using server groups other than the default that is fine, it’s just necessary to retain the "Default Server Group" if you plan on adding subsequent App-V Management Servers to your infrastructure.

We’re working to get the whitepaper updated but in the meantime thought that posting a heads up here might save you some trouble.

J.C. Hornbeck | Solution Asset PM | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division

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