
How to sequence the Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Admin Console with Microsoft App-V

imageHi everyone, Somaning Turwale here.  I recently went through the process of sequencing the Configuration Manager 2012 admin console and thought I’d share what I learned with you here.  

NOTE In my example below I am sequencing the Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Admin Console for the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Service Pack 1.

1. Follow the best practices for the Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer:


2. Build your clean sequencing system with the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and join it to the domain. 

3. Install .NET 4 full version on the Sequencer machine (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851).

4. Copy the Tools folder from your ConfigMgr 2012 central site server to the sequencing machine and place it in the following path:

C:\Program files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Tools

NOTE This is used for sequencing ConfigMgr 2012 Version 5.00.7711.0000 and build 7711

5. Install the App-V 4.6 SP1 Sequencer with Hotfix 8 (https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2761558)

6. Launch the Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer and select Create New Virtual Application Package.

7. Select the Create Package (Default) option and click Next.  Note that Prepare the Computer for Creating a Virtual Package may give the Warning “Windows Defender is active”.  If so, launch the Services.msc snap-in and stop the Windows Defender service.  After doing so, click Refresh and then click Next.

7. Select the Standard Application (default) option and click Next.

8. On the Select Installer screen, browse to the Tools folder and select ConsoleSetup.exe, then click Next.

9. Name the package ConfigMgr2012Console, leave other options as the defaults and click Next.

10. Once the ConfigMgr installation screen appears, click Install Configuration Manager 2012 and click Next.

11. Type the FQDN of the Central Site server name and click Next.

12. Leave the Destination Folder as the default (e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager Console\) and click Next.

13. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete, then click Finish.

14. Now the ConfigMgr 2012 console will launch. Verify that everything functions properly and exit from the console.

15. Select the I am finished installing option and click Next.

16. Select the ConfigMgr console and run it. After launching the console close it.  Click Next to review the installation report and click Next when you’re done.

17. Select the Customize option and click Next.

18. If you would like to remove the "Remote Control View" then right-click and remove it.

19. Click Next and then Run All. Once the console launches completely, verify the settings and exit the console.

20. Select the Target OS, click Next and then select Create the Package. The package will be saved as ConfigMgr2012Console.

21. Copy the package to the App-V management content share.

22. Follow the normal procedure to import the package into your App-V Management server.

23. Verify that the console is published to the App-V users.

24. Ensure that the .NET 4 full version is installed on the App-V clients as it is a prerequisite for console.

25. Make sure that the App-V clients have the latest hotfix installed (e.g.

26. Ensure that you have the required permissions and connectivity to the Site server.

If all steps are followed correctly then the client should be able to launch the Configuration Manager console successfully.

Somaning Turwale | Support Engineer | Management and Security Division

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