
App-V Support Tip: Error 29-0000001F on initial application launch after active upgrade


Here’s a quick heads up on an issue we ran into recently. When you open a Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) app for active upgrade and make a minor change, it is possible that the application will fail to start the first time it is imported on the App-V Management Server. On a client, users will see the error specified below upon the first launch attempt (any other launch will work fine, it only happens for the first launch)


The Application Virtualization Client could not launch. A device attached to the system is not functioning. Error code xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx29-0000001F

They key factor here is the size of the update you are performing. If the size of the package does not change, or it changes too little, you will run into this issue.


You can use the steps to work around this behavior and ensure that the package launches after adding it to the App-V Management Server:

  • On the Sequencer, open the package for package upgrade.
  • During the monitoring phase, be sure to add a dummy file to the Virtual File system. Usually something about 50 KB will do.
  • If you need to replace an existing file from the VFS, ensure you have this file ready in an unmonitored location.
  • Delete the original file.
  • Copy the new file over.
  • Save the package.

Now you should not see the error.

Good luck sequencing!

Sebastian Gernert | App-V Escalation Engineer

Madelinde Walraven | App-V Support Escalation Engineer

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