
Information Card Issuance CTP


[Update: reposted per the blogs.msdn.com update]

Greetings from Melbourne! It’s 4:00am here and I just jumped out of the bed, today I the flight back to Redmond. If you know me you know I am not a morning person, you can imagine the mood I would normally be in right now… and instead I am pretty happy, since I bear good news [everyone]. I’ll relay them in the words of the GETeam, since they put it so beautifully (and my Broca’s area can’t yet simulate English at this time of the day).

Today, Microsoft is announcing the availability of the Information Card Issuance Community Technical Preview (CTP) to enable the following scenarios with Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 RTM:

  • Administrators can install an Information Card Issuance component on AD FS 2.0 RTM servers and configure Information Card Issuance policy and parameters.
  • End users with IMI 1.0- or IMI 1.1 (DRAFT)-compliant identity selectors can obtain Information Cards backed by username/password, X.509 digital certificate, or Kerberos.
  • Continued support for Windows CardSpace 1.0 in Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP SP 3 running .NET 3.5 SP1.

We have also adding two new mechanisms for interaction and feedback on this topic, a dedicated Information Card Issuance Forum and a monitored e-mail alias ici-ctp@microsoft.com.

Now that’s good stuff! What are you waiting for, download the Information Card Issuance Community Technical Preview and live the dream!