
Expand Your Office 365 Practice with Microsoft Multi-Cloud Solutions

02 (2)
Jeff Stoffel


As mentioned in an earlier post, we are into full swing of our SMB Live event series. In this blog I would like to highlight our Day 2 event - Expand Your Office 365 Practice with Microsoft Multi-Cloud Solutions. This event provides valuable content on how to expand your Microsoft Cloud practice beyond Office 365 with Microsoft Multi-Cloud solutions including: Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS), Office 365 E5 Suite, Microsoft Azure, Skype for Business, Microsoft Windows Server, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Blog D2 Pic

Listed below you will find a sampling of the content covered along with resources on how to stay up to date on the latest offers.  You will also find resources to help you grow you business with Microsoft.  

Access Your Virtual SMB Live Resources:

If you have any follow-up questions about any of our upcoming SMB programs, please email our marketing and events team at smbvarinfo@microsoft.com.

I hope to see you at another SMB event soon!


Technorati Tags: TS2,Jeff Stoffel,SMB Live,EMS,Azure,Office 365