2016 Small Business Video Contest is ON!
Josh Condie - The 2016 contest is on now. Microsoft will recognize the best, most inspirational and original video that showcases a small business start-up story. The grand prize winner will win $20,000, new Surface Pro 4s, and subscriptions to Office 365 for their business (up to 10 devices/seats) in addition to a publicity package.
The 2015 grand prize winner was a men’s retail clothing store – Citizen Frederick. Other winners included an innovative technology product for pets, a women’s clothing boutique, an embroidery franchise and a frame shop. Among the dozens of entries we received there were many inspirational stories from non-profits, retail, and online businesses.
In addition to the small business winners, we will also award prizes to four business associations. These associations could be Chambers of Commerce, merchant or professional associations.
All details, examples, instructions and entry form can be found here