
TechNet Wiki Awards System - NOVICE WIKI NINJAS

We're going to take a deeper look at the TechNet Wiki Awards System... Wiki Ninja Belts.

First are the Novice Wiki Ninjas. This is for ninjas just getting started. The Achievement Medals are pretty easy to get, but placing in the Top Contributors even for one week is a bit of a challenge. It's not as easy as it seems...




White Belt

Sensei Says: "A white belt is like a finger pointing to the moon… Don’t concentrate on the finger or you miss all the heavenly glory. Don’t focus on the achievements too much for now, they will come. Just enjoy working together in the TechNet Wiki community."

About: This is only the start of a journey. The white belt can be achieved with 1 week of putting in extra effort.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Bronze Achievement Medal: New Wiki Editor - You made one revision.
  • Bronze Achievement Medal: New Wiki Commentator - You left one comment.
  • Bronze Achievement Medal: New Wiki Contributor - You authored one article.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 1 time.


  • Wiki Ninjas Blog: Belt Rankings - You first appear in the regular Belt Rankings blog post

Yellow Belt

Sensei Says: "A yellow belt means practice, practice, practice... And when you're done? Practice some more."

About: Your journey continues as you prove you're a consistent editor. The tweety bird sings your song.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Silver Achievement Medal: Wiki Editor II - You edited 25 articles, and 10 of those received 500 views.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 2 times.


  • Tweet - We tweet your TechNet Profile and primary Site out to our followers

Orange Belt

Sensei Says: "Someone always knows more. Don't let that faze you, you're well on your way."

About: After writing your first 10 articles and seeing your name on the Wiki Ninjas blog a few times, it's time to feature you as a Wiki Ninja on the blog.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt's section in the Belt Status article.


  • Silver Achievement Medal: Wiki Contributor II - You wrote 10 articles, and 6 of them have 500 views.
  • Silver Achievement Medal: Wiki Commentator II - You left 35 comments.
  • Benchmark - You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 3 times.


  • Featured Wiki Ninja - We feature your accomplishments as a Wiki Ninja with a blog post dedicated to you
  • Tweet - We tweet about your featured blog post




And then you can see that for the Novice class, the rewards are fairly straightforward... tweets and a few basic blog posts. For more info, see Wiki Ninja Belt Rankings .



   - User Ed
