
Small Basic Quiz 02

I'll ask you some questions, and you tell me the answers!

The hints are at the bottom!


Let's start with the Awesome Questions:

  1. What’s the difference between an object and a method?

  2. What does case-insensitive mean?

  3. What does a concatenation operator do?

  4. Characters of a string must be enclosed in __________.

  5. Add ________ to your code to explain tricky parts to other programmers.

  6. What’s the difference between the Write() and WriteLine() methods of TextWindow?

  7. In what order does the computer execute a program statement?

  8. What are bugs and what does debugging mean?

  9. List two ways to find and correct bugs.


Great! Now let's get to the hints!

  1. An object is the tool, while the method is more like an action. Get the full explanation here: Small Basic: Objects
  2. Casing is the term for capitalization of words, so this is referring to whether your capitalization affects your code or not. Check out this blog post: A Case for Insensitivity
  3. These operators glue one thing to another, like gluing a string to another or a number to a string. See Small Basic Tip: TextWindow.WriteLine - Concatenation of Text with a Number or Expression.
  4. Single quotes, full quotes, or parentheses? Which do you think is the answer? Learn all about it here: The Developer’s Reference Guide to Small Basic: Chapter 4: TextWindow Object
  5. What do you use to write text in your code that doesn't actually get compiled? Click here for the answer and lots of info about it!
  6. For the difference, check out Small Basic Reference Documentation: TextWindow Object and The Developer’s Reference Guide to Small Basic: Chapter 4: TextWindow Object.
  7. This is the Order of Operations. It means does Small Basic calculate a multiplication problem first, addition, what's in parentheses, etc. It's the same as in algebra (so if you pay attention in math, you're in luck). Read more here: The Origin of the Order of Operations
  8. Oh, the errors! See Small Basic - Examples of Errors for some quick examples. And then you should check out Small Basic: How to Debug to get some great depth on how to deal with bugs!
  9. There are a lot of great methods to debug (again, see Small Basic: How to Debug), but two we talk about a lot are hand-tracing (look for it in your book) and printing your output in different spots in your program (to check your values and make sure your program's running like you expect it to).


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I'll be back to improve the hints! Please leave a comment if you have suggestions for improved hints! Thank you!

   - User Ed
