

Flowcharts (also called block diagrams or logic diagrams) use symbols help you visualize the logical flow and steps of a program. Here are the most commonly used flowchart symbols:


You’ll see flowcharts for some of your programs in Small Basic books and online documentation for programming. And if you ever find that your program is getting too complicated, then it's time to start sketching out a flowchart to keep it clear in your mind what the code is doing. This also helps you get back up to speed on what your code is doing if you leave and come back later to build on or borrow your code. Of if you pass on your program for someone else to work on.

Let's look at an example:

The diagram on the right is called a flowchart because it shows the flow of command through a program. The diamond-shaped block is a decision block (see the definition in the table above). It has two arrows that represent the two paths that a program can take (in this case, Yes or No). To follow this flowchart, start at the top and trace through the arrows.


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Small and Basically yours,

   - Ninja Ed & Majed Marji
