
The UsefulTechnology Blog

Tips and Tactics for a Better Digital Life

Neutralising Nasties in your Messaging World

Alfred sent me a link to a Microsoft website that explains everything you need to know about a...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/18/2006

Exchange 5.5 - the final fix

Quirky! I just noticed that Microsoft ended up extending the support lifecycle for Exchange Server...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/17/2006

Reading emails in plain text

One useful Microsoft Outlook setting for self-protection is hidden in Tools > Options > Email...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/17/2006

Outlook Date Magic!

Diane Poremsky at the excellent Outlook Tips website just issued a timely (geddit?!) reminder of the...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/12/2006

Outlook backup tool stopped working?

Microsoft Outlook users with personal folder should always ensure they take regular backups of their...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/12/2006

Remembering Spike

There were loads of TV programme on over Christmas in the UK about the late Spike Milligan, one of...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/11/2006

Quick magnify your email

There are some shortcuts that you simply discover by accident! Like the dreaded CTRL+ENTER shortcut...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/11/2006

The best Outlook keyboard shortcuts ever...

Ditch your mouse! Here's the über-mother-of-all-lists of Outlook keyboard shortcuts:...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/09/2006

Happy Birthday Drinking Buddies!

It's my brother's birthday today! Happy birthday Ian. Which, conveniently, reminds me of a handy...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/06/2006

Changing an Email to a Meeting Request

We've all done it. You start typing an email, then four lines into your magnificent prose you...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/05/2006

Unblocking Blocked Attachments in Outlook

Ever wondered why Outlook 2003 makes it so difficult to send and receive certain attachments? It's...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/03/2006

New Year Tidy Up

If, like me, you feel the need to purge your life of unwanted clutter after returning from the...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 01/03/2006

Merry Christmas everyone!

(and no, I'm not blogging on Christmas day - I post-dated this entry so blogs.technet.com could do...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/25/2005

Great tips site

This one does exactly what it says on the URL: www.microsoft.com/greattips. Check it out!

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/20/2005

Undelete items in Outlook

Way back in December 1997, Microsoft launched a product called Exchange Server 5.5. It was a...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/15/2005

Fax me!

Here's a handy shortcut for Outlook users with a shared network fax device or a fax service...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/14/2005

Email Security 360

This looks interesting... Mike Nash, Microsoft's Corporate VP for the Security Business and...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/14/2005

Changing the Due Date for Outlook Tasks 'en masse'

If you're a heavy user of Tasks in Outlook you'll no doubt find the occasional time when you don't...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/13/2005


Is it Christmas yet?

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/13/2005

Exchange Best Practice Analyzer

Eileen gave me an easy to remember URL for the download site for the Exchange Best Practice Analyzer...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/06/2005

Exchange Tour Unplugged - extra gig

The Exchange Tour Unplugged is going really well. We've already visited 7 cities around the UK with...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 12/06/2005

Exchange Tour Unplugged Blog

Over the next few weeks I'll be posting to the new TechNet Exchange Tour Unplugged blog at...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 11/27/2005

Exchange Tour Unplugged - starts next week

We're looking forward to hitting the road over the next few weeks to help some of the few remaining...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 11/18/2005

New laptop, new lease of life!

I finally got a new Tablet PC. My old one was designed shortly before the advent of modern computing...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 11/09/2005

New Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer Tools

In case you haven't seen this yet: New Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer Tools Now Available!...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 11/07/2005

Ah, the Activities tab... where it all began

My very first blog posting here on TechNet was about the very lovely (and much-neglected) Activities...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 11/03/2005

Exchange Tour Unplugged: we're going on the road so you can too

Just announced for UK IT professionals who are looking to upgrade from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/27/2005

More on Outlook voting

If you use voting buttons in Outlook 2002 or later without an Exchange Server email account, it...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/26/2005

Why Outlook gets my vote

Few people make good use of Oulook's 'Voting' feature in their emails but it's one of the simplest...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/26/2005

Tracking down an email sender

Want to know who sent that dodgy-looking email without trawling through the email header...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/25/2005

XP Power Toys for cavemen

Every so often I find someone living in a cave who hasn't heard about the free XP Power Toys at...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/21/2005

Save your blushes when sharing files

The 'Remove Hidden Data' tool at...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/21/2005

You know you're out of control when...

...you discover a 'Tasks in Archive Folders' link suddenly appears because Outlook has auto-archived...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/20/2005

Exchange Server 2003 SP2 just released

Get it while it's hot: https://www.microsoft.com/exchange/downloads/2003/sp2/download.mspx

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/19/2005

How smart desktop alerts can keep you alert

The regular reader of this blog will know that I recommend switching off Outlook's desktop alerts...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/11/2005

Always avoid folders starting with 'T'

Frost's Random Tip of the Day: You can save time if you avoid creating mail folders in Outlook that...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/05/2005

Microsoft does Photo Imaging

I'm a long-time fan of Adobe Photoshop. To be honest, I've invested many hours of my spare time...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 10/03/2005

Outlook email signature craziness

Email signatures are really useful but creating them and getting them to appear correctly can...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/30/2005

Office 2003 SP2 just released!

Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Microsoft Office 2003 is now available for download from Microsoft Update....

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/28/2005

Lost - final episode

In what is turning out to be an interesting experiment in the effects of mobile communication...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/27/2005

Understanding the Microsoft Platform for Notes Organisations

I recently blogged about the high number of questions we're getting from UK Notes/Domino...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/23/2005

Outlook command line switches

The good people at Microsoft Office Online have a handy list of available command line switches that...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/17/2005

Get Outlook working while you don't work

I've got a week's holiday next week to paint the outside of my house. Yes, that's a real man's...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/09/2005

Number 1, twice!

I've been well impressed with Microsoft's SmartScreen anti-spam functionality that's built-in to...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/08/2005

Customising the right-click options in Office 2003

Here's a top tip I learned recently from a colleague. You can customise the right-click menu in...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 09/07/2005

Forbes: More bad news for Lotus Notes

Hot on the heels of their 'Black Knight' article, Forbes has published an update story following...

Author: Allister_Frost Date: 08/25/2005

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