
How to queue like an Englishman!

The 360 launch spirals ever closer in the UK and I for one have not got an X-Box 360 pre-ordered! Instead I shall be taking part in the age old English tradition of queuing. As to promote the beneficial aspects of queuing I have compiled my own list of Top-Tips for queuing. What allows to me comment on queuing? I have queued for musical gigs, university library cards and of course in various shopping centers around Britain:

The Un-Definitive Queuing List:

  1. Clothes: Wear warm clothes, you never know how long it is going to take.
  2. Money: Come prepared with cash, the card machine might break!
  3. Food: Who said chocolate and Fizzy Drink…?
  4. Friend: Queuing is boring; make sure you have another person to suffer with.
  5. Tea Boy: Anyone who is willing to bring you warm food, drink or anything else you may need.
  6. Mobile Phone: Perfect for waking people up while you queue and synchronizing with friend (who forgot that they had to queue with you).
  7. Loud-speaker: Not a pre-requisite but always goes down well with crowds!
  8. Stories: Multiple war stories about previous queuing related incidents.

Hope my quick guide was useful; tune back in on Friday afternoon to see how the queuing went! Pictures, videos and possibly heart-break a-wait!

Ian (Currently Cold Sheep)
