
Why attend the Worldwide Government Solutions Forum in April?

Worldwide Government Solutions Forum, 24th-25th April 2012, Cardinal Place (Microsoft), London.

It’s just under two months until the Worldwide Government Solutions Forum (GSF) rolls in to London. It’s theme this year is ‘efficiency and opportunity: how cloud and technology innovations are powering digital public services’. But how can the GSF be of benefit to here in the UK? Well, the answer is - in many ways!...

As communication technologies become more innovative and accessible, UK citizens are consuming more information and services than ever before. But the more they consume, the greater their expectations become for government to deliver technology-enabled services.

Now, with the advent of cloud computing, governments of all sizes worldwide are proving we can be more responsive, more innovative and more effective – whether challenged by economic pressures or experiencing growth. Here, at the Worldwide Government Solutions Forum 2012, these government bodies from far and wide show us how.

It’s not all about looking at the bigger, worldwide perspective though – quite a number of the UK’s local national government organisations will be attending and indeed speaking at GSF 2012. These include the London Borough of Newham (speaking about citizen service and delivery), Cherwell District Council (solutions for insight & accountability), the Cabinet Office and City of London. Of course there will also be speakers from all over the world, sharing their best practice, providing ideas as well as learning from what we do so well in the UK! You can see the agenda here.

With expert speakers covering a range of topics, from technology’s role in urbanisation to better citizen service delivery, this is one event no central, regional or local government IT leader can afford to miss.

The new Worldwide Government Solutions Forum website (www.governmentsolutionsforum.com) is now live where you can register and find out more about the event.

Posted by Howard.