The Hybrid Organisation – the Public Sector in the New Economy
“The biggest barrier to change is management attitude. Organisational challenges in the 21st Century will be easier to meet if leaders in the public and private sector understand the barrier that attitudes can become to progress.” A challenging assertion from some new idea-stimulating and thought-provoking studies by Microsoft and organisational experts that we hope will help to stimulate your own ideas and creativity about the ‘hybrid organisation’.
One of the reasons I want to bring the concept of the hybrid organisation to your attention is the impending need for radical change across the public sector that is likely to be driven by severe budget restraint. As Liam Byrne, former Chief Secretary to the Treasury so succinctly put it in his leaving note to his successor - ‘there is no money left’. This simple fact will drive the need for public sector organisations to become more flexible and nimble and encourage individuals with a variety of backgrounds to work together to ensure organisational success.
Microsoft believes that organisations should start to consider adapting their operating models, infrastructure and culture in order to: (1) accommodate the next generation of employees, (2) anticipate the changing demands from citizens for public services, and (3) address the emerging risks to continuing with a ‘business as usual’ model. To help us to articulate the concept of the hybrid organisation in greater depth, Microsoft has engaged with several leading authorities on organisational and management theory and public sector thought leadership to develop a series of white papers for you to review:
- Creating the Hybrid Organisation – An overview of the concept and its implications
- The Hybrid Organisation: People – Back to the Future (author: Professor Michael Hulme, Lancaster University)
- The Hybrid Organisation: Buildings – Activity-based Working (author: Philip Ross, CEO, Cordless Group)
- The Hybrid Organisation: Technology – The Work/Life Report (authors: Ken Wood, Microsoft Research Labs (Cambridge) & Dave Coplin, National Technology Officer, Microsoft UK)
If you prefer, there is also a video and a podcast produced by the Financial Times on the hybrid organisation that you can download to your iPod (… other MP3 players are available).
And, of course, we welcome your thoughts and reactions to the ideas and innovations proposed by our Hybrid organisation concept.
Posted by Ian