
Operational Efficiency – Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Skills for Database Specialists

ICT vendors can, occasionally, adopt the unrealistic perspective that customers operate in a homogeneous world where all systems and solutions fully integrate and the flow of information is seamless. However, the reality is invariably somewhat different as organisations grapple with the real world of heterogeneous systems where managing information between different systems is a significant operational challenge. One area where this challenge is evident is in the numerous public and commercial sector organisations that are using both Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server as data management and business intelligence platforms.

That is why I thought it might be useful to bring a recent publication to your attention that is co-authored by by Microsoft data platform technical specialist Mark Anderson; James Fox, an independent Oracle and SQL Server consultant in the UK; and Microsoft Certified Architect and SQL Server MVP Christian Bolton:

 “Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration for Oracle DBAs” shows database administrators how to use their experience as an Oracle DBA to get up to speed quickly on the Microsoft SQL Server platform. Authors with real-world expertise in both Oracle and SQL Server introduce you to fundamental concepts, such as SQL Server architecture and core administration, before guiding you through advanced techniques, including performance optimization, high availability and disaster recovery. Platform comparisons, on-the-job examples, and answers to questions raised by Oracle DBAs learning the SQL Server environment help build your skills.

It makes economic sense to ensure your database administrators have the knowledge to work proficiently across the two most prevalent data management and business intelligence platforms used by the majority of organisations.

If you are interested, the book is available from all good bookstores including this online one.

Posted by Ian