
Open Government – London Data Store on Windows Azure Improves Information Transparency

Open Government and Open Data have the power to transform absolutely the way government and society work for the better.” These are the words of Francis Maude, Minister for Cabinet Office, in his foreword to the recently-published public consultation on Making Open Data Real.

As well as helping to reduce the number of Freedom of Information requests, information transparency enables both providers and consumers of public services to drive up quality and improve outcomes.  The London Data Store is an initiative by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to release as much of the data that it holds as possible. The aim is to enable citizens to access the data that the GLA and other public sector organisations hold, and to use that data however they see fit – free of charge.

Microsoft is actively supporting the London Data Store initiative by hosting datasets on the Windows Azure marketplace:

  • London Borough Profiles : These profiles help paint a general picture of an area by presenting a range of headline indicator data in both spreadsheet and map form to help show statistics covering demographic, economic, social and environmental datasets for each borough, alongside relevant comparator areas.
  • Local Authority Average Rents : This dataset provides information on the amount that is charged weekly by the Local Authorities for social housing in the United Kingdom.
  • Average House Prices : This dataset provides and average annual and quarterly house prices based on Land Registry data in the United Kingdom, by borough

Data that is collected or created in delivering public services can have new and radical applications – and the best way to tap into the UK’s tradition of creativity and invention is to give that data away.

While you are exploring the Windows Azure marketplace be sure to take some time to examine some of the other 140 government datasets that are available.

Posted by Ian