
Live Meeting: Performance Management in the Public Sector

All Public Sector organisations are currently facing the challenge of cutting their budget, improving their efficiency and maintaining frontline service quality. There is no simple answer to this challenge but a good start point is the ability to transform data into insights that make it easier to identify where improvements can be made and innovation can be applied.

Performance management, or business intelligence, is now a capability that can be put in the hands of all users rather than a small team of experts. Microsoft’s business intelligence technologies are fully integrated from the desktop to the server and include innovative new capabilities, such as PowerPivot for Excel, that enable users to manipulate and analyse data using familiar Microsoft Office tools.

Our Live Meeting on Performance Management for the Public Sector on Friday October 15th, 11:00-12:00 provides an insight into the Microsoft technologies for Business Intelligence and how public sector organisations, such as local authorities and police forces, are fully capitalising on their investment in Microsoft software to improve performance management throughout their operations.

Live Meeting: Performance Management for the Public Sector

Date/Time: Friday October 15th, 11:00-12:00

Register: here

Invitation Code: F07918

All we need is one-hour of your time at your PC or laptop to participate in our interactive Live Meetings for the Public Sector.

Posted by Ian