
Cloud Computing – Microsoft Tech.Days Online

ICT is undergoing significant and rapid transformation. The advent of cloud computing, the boom in mobile devices, and monumental shifts in the desktop make these interesting times to be an ICT professional.

To keep you at the forefront of what’s new and what you need to know during these changes, Microsoft is running a series of Tech.Days Online – a series of real-time webinars hosted by Microsoft’s leading experts on the private cloud, public cloud and desktop.

Tech.Days Online will be bringing you IT insights and debate most Tuesdays from February to June, between 2 and 3pm. The links below will take you directly to the session descriptions and registration links.

Microsoft Tech.Days Online Schedule (February - June 2011)

15th February

Microsoft Public Cloud for the IT Professional

22nd March

Security Integration with the Cloud Using Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS)

19th April

Managing the Cloud

17th May

Office365 for the IT Professional

21st June

Government Risk and Compliance in the Cloud

8th February

The Modern Desktop

8th March

Practical Development of the Optimised desktop and application compatibility.

5th April

Desktop Virtualisation

3rd May

Deployment with the Microsoft Desktop Optimisation Pack (MDOP)

10th May

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

22nd February

What is Hyper V Cloud?

15th March

Creating your own Private Cloud

12th April

Automation and the Private Cloud

7th June

The Dynamic Duo: Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7

14th June

Mixing and Moving Services Between the Private and Public Cloud

Posted by Ian