
.Bak file import into Microsoft Dynamics CRM online

Hi Folks,

Recently I have encountered a scenario where the data has to be imported into Microsoft Dynamics CRM online. Microsoft does not support import of .bak files directly into CRM online.

So I have explored the other options which are possible to achieve the same. If you have a .Bak file with you and want to import data into CRM online you can try the following options:

  1. First we can extract the data into an excel file from the .bak file. This can be done by leveraging the SQL Management studio. Open your SQL database which has the .Bak file.


  2. Right click on the object explorer and click on export.


  3. On click of which you can see the wizard to export the data.

  1. Here select the data source, server name, database name.



  1. Now choose the destination file as Excel sheet.


  1. Now you can get the data in excel format by copying one or more tables.


  1. Now select the tables which you want to import and extract them into excel.


  1. After getting the excel file you can import the data either through import wizard as shown in the below link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/dynamics/crm-customer-center/import-accounts-leads-or-other-data.aspx


  2. You can also import data progrmmatically using SDK: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh547396.aspx, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309694.aspx


You can also leverage the partner solutions like Scribe for data import.

Hope this helps.

Happy reading!!


