
Virtual Earth Map Control SDK

This software development kit provides programming references and how-to topics for getting started with the map control for Virtual Earth™. You can use this control to build your own Web sites that use Virtual Earth maps.

Download from here


  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2006
    my email is longwood12345@hotmail.com i can't post to the msdn forums for some reason. can you please look into this for me?

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2006
    my email is longwood12345@hotmail.com i can't post to the msdn forums for some reason. can you please look into this for me?

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2006
    My email is longwood12345@hotmail.com. I can't post to the MSDN forums because the site has so many problems. Can you please explain to me why the program below doesn't work? The program compiles fine, but I get "WINVER not defined. Defaulting to 0x0502 (Windows Server 2003)" during the compile. I am using MS Visual Studio Prof 2005. Thank you. #include "stdafx.h" #include <afxinet.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //assumes server, port, and URL names have been initialized CInternetSession session("My Session"); CHttpConnection* pServer = NULL; CHttpFile* pFile = NULL; DWORD dwRet; char szBuff[1024]; try {   CString strServerName = "www.cnn.com";   INTERNET_PORT nPort = 80;   pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(strServerName, nPort);   pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, "My Object"); //strObject);   pFile->AddRequestHeaders(NULL); // szHeaders);   pFile->SendRequest();   pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet);   if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK)   {   UINT nRead = pFile->Read(szBuff, 1023);   while (nRead > 0)   {   printf("%dn", nRead);   printf("%sn", szBuff);   //read file...   }   printf("got heren");   }   else   printf("dwRed = %dn", dwRet);   delete pFile;   delete pServer; } catch (CInternetException* pEx) {   //catch errors from WinInet } session.Close(); return 0; }

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2006
    I can ask about the MSDN forums. Sorry you are having issues. Not sure about your program. Maybe someone reading this has an idea.

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2006
    I just downloaded the file, but it only seems to contain the .chm file??   Is there supposed to be more?

  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
    I can't post to the MSDN forums either (google lead me here) I just get stuck on the preview page and no error message is given despite multiple post clicks. incredibly infuriating!