Showing Line Numbers with Visual Studio 2005
While presenting recently I was asked how I was able to line numbers in my code. I often find it a nice feature while doing demos to have line numbers turned on. I think it makes it easier to view the code. With Visual Studio 2005 this is actually very easy to do.
Select Tools- Options and within the Basic Editor select the line number option
You also have the option to turn it on for specific types of file by using the show all settings button
This allows you to select specific types of files and turn on or off the line numbers. For example, with an HTML file you can turn on and off line numbers.
November 16, 2006
The "Show all settings" checkbox is an Express-only option, no?Anonymous
November 16, 2006
Write it in qbasic ;-)Anonymous
November 17, 2006
Not that I am aware of. I actually pulled the screen shots from my own machine running Team System.Anonymous
November 17, 2006
Strange, I've seen 2nd-hand reference to "Show all settings" being an Express only option. It doesn't show in either of my two Team Suite installs...Anonymous
November 17, 2006
it is strange. I just did a fresh install on a new machine. let me ask some folks to see if i can get a better answer.Anonymous
November 21, 2006
Weird, I am not seeing the pictures in IE 7.0.