
New England SharePoint User Group

Next Meeting -  June 27, 2006: Introducing Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007


5:45 - 6:00 Registration


6:00 - 7:15 Topic: Introducing Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007


With the introduction of SharePoint Portal Server 2003, Microsoft ushered in a new way of collaborating, organizing, and searching for information within an organization. With Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS), Microsoft has raised the bar with new features and capabilities, enabling richer solutions. Come see new collaboration, content management, and business intelligence features in the new 2007 Microsoft Office system.


7:15 - 7:30  Q&A


Where Microsoft Corporation -

201 Jones Road

(6th floor), Waltham, MA 02451

The meeting is free, but space is limited. To register or sign-up for our email distribution list, send an email to NERSUG Registration.