I just cleaned my office
And unpacked my boxes of stuff from my move a while back. Possibly months back. I feel very content, in my tidy office.
Don't mind me, sitting in a little office, tidy as can be. Toodle-y-too.
May 14, 2008
Oh my! This has been the biggest Feng Shui entry I've ever read. It's made me restful and quiet for the rest of the night :)Anonymous
May 14, 2008
Isn't a tidy office meant to be a sign of a sick mind ?Anonymous
May 15, 2008
We move so often here we don't even unpack our boxes.Anonymous
May 15, 2008
My office gets cleaner every time I move... I'm getting better at only taking the stuff I'll actually use...Anonymous
May 22, 2008
Gareth, Don't be ridiculous. Trika