Certification slash cats-we-hope-are-ok
Of certification: Do you have a good story about how certification helped your organization become more efficient/make better stuff/find a great team/keep a great team, etc? We'd like to hear it, per George's post: https://blogs.msdn.com/mcp/archive/2008/01/15/become-famous-with-microsoft-certifications.aspx
Of cats-we-hope-are-ok: Put your paws in the air for two brave little cats: Otto and Iris. They were caught in a house fire today, and have smoke in their little lungs. We hope they will be OK.
February 04, 2008
According to that blog the deadline has past. not that i have any interesting stories mind...Anonymous
February 05, 2008
I already received the questionnaire from Liana :) It's really interesting!!Anonymous
February 05, 2008
Start the post-RTM server 2008 exam release clock!Anonymous
February 10, 2008
Bibble, good point. I think she'd be happy to hear from you guys anytime with good stories... not that you have any, mind :-)Anonymous
February 10, 2008
Hi Trika Any advice for someone who has taken over the certification requirements for 16 people? One of my new job roles, is recommending training and certification tracks for each of the devs on the team. Most of the devs will be brought up to MCTS on the .NET 2.0 track with a look at getting MCPD in their chosen field.Anonymous
February 12, 2008
Hi, Niall. Congratulations - sounds like your new job has lots of responsibility! It sounds to me like you are on the right track (if you will), starting everyone on an MCTS and then taking it from there. For certain, getting your developers to complete 70-536 is the first step, as that is requirement for the current and upcoming certifications. Send me an e-mail if you have specific questions on how to manage the planning... maybe there are best practices we can get from other people on planning/tracking a team's certifications.